View Full Version : Aching veiny hands

17-07-13, 14:04
I'm sat in tears as I've convinced myself I'm ill, the past few weeks I've noticed the veins on my right hand (the top of my hand not my wrist) where more blue than normal I just ignored it, then Sunday I was out in the garden and I looked at my hand and my veins where bulging and they began to ache, everyone was saying its the heat. Then yesterday I was convinced I had cancer and a blood infection so then the veins on my left hand started hurting. I don't no if its my veins hurting or its muscle pain or I'm just imagining it! To make matters worse I had thrush a month ago and I've had lots of discharge since and I'm scaring myself that its not cleared up properly and its giving my body an infection, I really don't no what to do I'm so anxious that I'm ill, I booked a drs app but that's next Wednesday. Am I just being stupid? Every time I stop worrying about one thing something else hurts to make me worry about that, last week it was my eye, week before was my head, week before was my liver, its never ending!

17-07-13, 14:36
It does sound like it could be the heat. Try cooling yourself down a bit, maybe run your hands under cold water for a bit or have a cool shower. See if that helps.

I don't think you are being stupid. It's scary when your body does odd things. But I also don't think you have anything to worry about - though I do understand our brains make us worry anyway!

Hope your appointment goes well on Wednesday and the doctor can reassure you xx

18-07-13, 10:32
No you're not being stupid at all, sometimes common things may look alarming. It's most likely nothing but the heat causing vasodilation, which is a normal mechanism to cool the body down.

18-07-13, 17:04
Heat I thinkn. My hands have been aching a lot this last week or so and the veins are virtually popping out of the skin.

Sticking them in a basin of cool water seems to help.

22-07-13, 10:19
The veins do go down when its cooler but the pain is still there it feels like my veins are bruised but when I press down on them they don't hurt, I think its my nerves or muscle aching and I'm just thinking its my veins. I keep telling myself it can't be anything bad ive had this pain for a week now and have had no other symptoms, but there's always that little part of my brain that tells me something's wrong with me.

22-07-13, 10:24
Fluids... having said that, I am realising that ageing also makes your veins more prominent and it doesn't mean they are about to burst!