View Full Version : clothing question for ladies

17-07-13, 16:09
hi girls,
I'm having issues with my bra's :blush:
I got fitted in a couple of different stores m & s and Sadie the bra lady but both of them feel too tight to me. I've got a bra extender but it still feels tight.
what I'm wondering though is, could this be an anxiety thing? I feel like I'm being restricted in my breathing
The bra's I feel comfy in are way too big I know this and the one that feels uncomfortable does give a nice look under clothes....but I don't like wearing it!!!
Do I just need to wear it in like shoes?
thanks in advance for any replies

17-07-13, 16:36
I find bras & anxiety a bad combination too, which is a pain socially as it's like go out and panic or stay in and be calm. What I did was buy a bra slightly too big and buy some inflatable inserts from Ebay, problem solved!

MrsS x

17-07-13, 17:01
Have you tried those bras like Belvia I think they are called?

17-07-13, 18:19
Don't get me started on M&S bras, the INSANITY!!! Why do they make such a big deal about "We can measure you" and then THEIR bras don't fit their measurements? Gah!

Sorry - this should be in the rant forum!

I don't like tight bras but they do a better job of perking up the auld body. If you don't mind hanging a bit looser, get a bigger back size.

17-07-13, 18:27
Bras should not affect your breathing unless it is too tight. Bras have to be elastic enough to allow the woman to move and breathe, if it restricted breathing during hyperventilation then your bra is massively too tight. I suffer with hyperventilation more than any other symptom of anxiety and I've never had a bra affect it, or hyperventilation affect my bra. To be honest if wearing a bra was not a 'social must' I wouldn't bother, I have a small chest and because of a back condition bras can make it hurt more.

17-07-13, 18:29
Aren't we lucky we don't have to wear corsets!!

21-07-13, 09:35
thank you for all your replies, Haven't tried Belvia before might give those a go. And yeah think I'll just go for the slightly bigger size idea, I'm pretty small so no need to support I go without a bra whenever I can :)
Oh and Speranza your rant made me laugh hehe :roflmao:

21-07-13, 09:39
Glad to be - er - supportive. ;)

21-07-13, 10:58
Try a sports bra they are looser and not so tight round the back, they still give you lots of support and a softer outline.:yesyes:

21-07-13, 14:19
I get frustrated when clothes are too tight or uncomfy and it's the same with bras, I feel like I can't breathe if it's tight or uncomfy and if it's got any itchy stitching I just can't bare it! Don't know if that's just me being impatient though! Haha! :wacko: The best bras I've found are from Maidenform, they are expensive but it's worth it for comfort, I won't wear anything else now!

21-07-13, 15:09
I have the same problem.
I used to be size 34" a cup. Now I am a 38" something or other.
When I have been measured the size they say--- is much to tight.
"You need the support". I may well do --but painful shoulders will not
stand support.
Yes sports bras are the best, or if slim do without.
My bust is heading towards my waist---- I try my best!!

22-07-13, 16:51
JayJoe that's exactly how I feel!!
I get frustrated with the whole 'make sure you wear the right size bra 90% of women aren't' like you say Magic if it doesn't feel comfy then telling me its the right size for me doesn't help!