View Full Version : Heat wave alerts - panic inducing?

17-07-13, 16:27
Is anyone else out there getting a bit panicked by the constant hot weather alerts and warnings?

I'm one of those who can't bear hot weather - can't think or function in it - and have been feeling panicky just going out in the mornings to get to work in London (I avoid the underground which is merely a claustrophobic subterranean sauna in the summer but even the overground train is hot tin can at the end of the day). Can't even bear the feeling of heat on my skin and I must look like some kind of neurotic constantly diving from one shaded area to another to avoid the sun.

All in all the constant weather alerts and obsession with degrees of temperature just set me in a panic, despite knowing that I am being sensible by taking in sufficient fluids, keeping out of the sun wherever possible during the day etc etc. Even Clare Weeks' bible stresses the similarity between symptoms of panic and natural symptoms of feeling hot and bothered, yet all these reports on heat exhaustion and the like are literally doing my head in. Feeling panicky and exhausted just thinking about them.

Anyone else out there just wish they would shut up and just say "it's going to be hot"?

17-07-13, 17:38
I know the feeling. I'm going to the beach with my friends tomorrow. Not sure how I will cope. All this talk of it being 'dangerous' and 'worthy of warnings' is scaring me so much. Just keep as cool as you can. Bottled icy water is good. I work in London too and the Tube is a devil this time of year. :(

17-07-13, 21:00
It was 27 degrees in my office this morning. It was horrible. I find that I can often ward off panic and anxiety by concentrating on coolness on my skin but it's not possible when the weather is like this. I'm sooo glad to have in car aircon.
Make sure you wear plenty of sunscreen at the beach then head into the sea for some blissful cold! I went paddling at the weekend and it was great. Got burnt feet though.:weep:

17-07-13, 21:59
I can understand why all these warnings are scary, but they are only telling us to take precautions such as bring a drink, etc. other countries get weather much hotter, but cope fine because they're used to it. As long as you're taking precautions, this hot weather is not dangerous, just uncomfortable.