View Full Version : Lethargy in hot weather

17-07-13, 16:32
Not sure if its the weather (Its hit above 30 c here today) but I feel so lethargic. I worked this morning (I work outdoors) and by 1pm I had to call it a day. Went home and slept for 2 hours, still feel lethargic, I'm also taking Citalopram so that probably is having an effect.

Normally I can work 9 hour days with no tiredness. I know I shouldn't moan about the good weather but a little cooler would be easier to work in.

Anyone else feeling it?

17-07-13, 18:22
Yes, it has been very hot indeed today. Have felt lethargic since it started.
have not been bothered to do anything today. In fact for the first time I
have watched a DVD in the afternoon. Normally I don't have TV on in the day
because of being busy. Must be awful to be working outside:shades:

17-07-13, 18:54
I used to be like this ALL the time when I lived in a hot part of France. It didn't occur to me in all the years I was there that I had very mild heat exhaustion. Drink twice as much as you think you need, and make sure you have a little salt in your food. (I don't, that was probably my downfall!)

17-07-13, 18:59
I love hot weather but even I'm struggling. My flat and communal garden was 93F/34C today. I'm used to heat in the Med and Egypt but is more bearable than here. The air here, as my other half puts it, is 'thick' and just feels harder to breathe and work in.

17-07-13, 22:48
This hot weather is so draining. I'm struggling to concentrate on my work if I'm honest and I don't even work outside - that must be really tough.

I'm finding I feel headachy and woozy a lot in it....I of course assumed it was a brain tumour til a few of us at work got talking about the weather and two other people said they felt light headed and had a permanent head ache too.

You just need to make sure you drink loads and slop the sunscreen on.