View Full Version : Advice desperately needed please

17-07-13, 17:45
I just went for a bowel movement and when i wiped there was mucus that was brown and pinkish. I have just finished my period and wondered whether it could have been that, there was no blood in the stool or on the toilet paper just this pink/brown mucus. I have convinced myself that i have cancer now:wacko: Urghhh just when im trying to sort my anxiety out something like this happens.

Oh and i have IBS

17-07-13, 18:08
Yes it could be the end of your period. Don't panic anyway. Monitor it for a couple more days and if it happens again, see the doctor. Bowel cancer is only one possiblity, and not even the most likely. It may not even have been in the stool.

17-07-13, 18:58
I think it's most likely to do with your period. Easy to say don't panic, but I'm sure you'll be fine x

17-07-13, 21:45
Thank you, I will keep an eye on it! I spoke to my mum and she thinks it could be period related! Thanks again x

17-07-13, 21:51
I'd vote period Hun x

17-07-13, 22:08
Are your periods okay? Not too heavy or painful?

17-07-13, 22:20
I suspect its the end of your period. I sometimes get this myself. ..occasionally it'll be a couple of days after my period has ended.

18-07-13, 10:45
Are you sure if the blood came from the vagina or rectum?