View Full Version : Eyes water a lot, particularly in bright sunlight, worried this could be serious

17-07-13, 20:32
My eyes have been watering maybe once every other day for the past 6months or so, it happens mainly in bright sunlight, and sometimes when I've been working on a computer all day and finally look a way for a bit. I initially thought perhaps eye strain, but its started happening more and more regularly and even when I haven't been working on a comp. It's def not something like an infection or conjunctivitis, as it isn't this type of watering, my eyes burn and stream for maybe 5mins and then it passes. Nor is it hay fever, I have never suffered from this and have no other symptoms such as being bunged up, sneezing etc I have kind of been dismissing it as a minor annoyance but as it is happening most days at least once now, it's starting to make me panic a bit what it really is. My nana has recently been diagnosed with macular degeneration, and a build up of fluid behind the eye, and is waiting to find out whether she may go blind, which has really scared me, as my great grandmother did go blind as did one of my nanas brothers. I have been googling and have read about photophobia, basically a sensitivity to light which seems to have various different causes, some of which are fairly serious like macular degeneration. Needless to say I'm now feeling very scared I could have a serious eye disease, especially given my nana!

I haven't been to the optician as there is nothing wrong with my actual sight at all its just the intermittent watering and burning. I kind of only want to go as a last resort, as I know virtually everyone who ever sees an optician, even when not having any difficulty seeing lands up with some sort of glasses as lets face it, none of us probs has 20/20 vision, but as I have no general probs seeing so Id want to avoid glasses as long as poss until I am having difficulty.

Has anyone else experienced eye watering in bright light or at other random times and its turned out to be nothing, trying not to google as every website seems to have serious conditions related to eye watering. The though of going blind is a very scary thought!

17-07-13, 21:11
Oh my gosh my eye problem is worse than yours!! I have had eye watering too but along with eye swelling and pain so mine is different, i have two white stuff in my eye blocking the pathway of which light enters my eye and thus causing strain on eye muscle and pain, you should go see an eye doctor about your symptoms, if you are that much concerned he will reassure you if there is anything to worry about or be concerned about,im sure its just fatigue or could be sinuses?

17-07-13, 22:43
I'd be worried too but I think going to see an optician is not a bad idea. My sister in law is an optician and she often mentions referring patients to the eye clinic if need be - they're really very experienced people who take people's eye health seriously and aren't just trying to sell you glasses. Please don't read stuff on the internet, you'll only drive yourself crazy (as we probably all know from experience).


18-07-13, 10:48
It certainly could be hayfever, even without a history of it or other symptoms. More likely of course is infection, poor sleep or the fact you spend a lot of time in front of a monitor. Best to see an optician or GP.

18-07-13, 10:53

My eyes water quite a bit from time to time, but the air is dry here - it's winter... and I live just outside a big city, so there are lots of pollutants floating about.

I went to the optometrist a couple weeks back - she took a photo of my eye, and all was fine.

My gran had macular degeneration. My mom was advised to take some vitamins to help prevent it - but she has to start taking them now - because once it sets in, it'll be too late then. I think they're called Ocuvite here.

Best would be just to have a simple eye check done - it will give you some peace of mind. And take some vitamins too to help! :)


I work on the pc almost all day, too. And my eyes also water when I go outside and the sky is bright - especially when it's overcast and it looks like bright white!