View Full Version : Did I get bit by a spider!!

17-07-13, 20:57
So I was outside wiping my patio furniture off with a towel when I must have knocked a spider out of its web. It was HUGE and gross and landed it on its back right by my foot. At first I didn't think anything, but then I remembered I read once where you can get bit by a brown recluse or black widow and not even know it. Now I'm thinking it could have bit my hand or arm!

I don't remember it touching me and I hope it was only the towel that knocked him to the ground. But I'm thinking what if it got hit by the towel, bit my hand, before falling to the ground? I keep checking my hand and arm for spots, and of course you always find the smallest one! I'm terrified of getting bit by a spider because of the nasty things they can do to you (brown recluse and widow).

I don't want to google what they look like, or google at all!! My OCD has been in over drive this week and now I am compulsing over this!! Does anyone think that I could have got bit even if I happened so fast and I never felt anything??

17-07-13, 21:05
Unfortunately none of us can say whether you got bit or not...
But surely you'd have symptoms if it had, especially if its a dangerous spider.

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:59 ----------

I read its only usually serious for children and elderly ..
But you will have signs if you have been within 2-8 hrs

18-07-13, 10:41
Spider bites which are medicaqlly significant usually show systemic symptoms very rapidly. There will be pain and swelling which occurs within hours, and symptoms related to poisoning such as fever, muscle pain and weakness, etc. Healthy adults are at very low risk of severe complications.