View Full Version : Hi All, my names Maxine. Health anxiety

17-07-13, 21:43

I posted for the first time on here a few days ago. First ever time posting on a forum.
I am 30 years old and mum to 4 lovely kids.

I seem to be battling health anxiety which started the day after my 4th baby was born which was just over 2 months ago now. Started with panic attack after panic attack for a couple of days and feeling scared out of my mind all day long. At this point I didn't have any worries only being scared by the panic and anxious feelings. Since then I have been to thr doctors several times and been put on citalopram, now 3 weeks into 30mgs and hoping its going to be enough.

Within the last month or so I seem to be stressing constantly about my health. Every little twinge or pain and I think I have some terminal illness (its a new one all the time). Lately its getting worse as I seem to have so many symptoms every day that I cannot ignore them however hard I try.

Anyone else going through this and feel ill every day?.

I have had blood test come back fine apart from being very low on iron so am now on tablets for that and also waiting for results on a blood test for coeliac disease which I had done today.

I have found this site to be very comforting in my time of need. Thanks for reading.


17-07-13, 22:12
Hi, I think when your blood count is out of whack it is especially easy to give in to anxiety. You will probably feel loads better in a few weeks. xx

17-07-13, 22:20
Hi Maxine. I have pretty bad health anxiety also. It's beginning to seem like a new symptom every day. Back in january i was convinced i was having a heart attack and ended up at the ER. After numerous blood tests, MRIs, EKGs and about $4000 later, they told me that i was very dehydrated and exhausted, but other than that my heart is very healthy. Now i have the all clear on my heart, i have moved on to thinking there is something wrong with my brain like a tumour or a bleed. Something like that. It's every day ugh.

24-07-13, 11:21
Thanks speranza, I really hope to be feeling better soon as at the moment I seem to just be going further downhill because I am having more and more problems daily. Still waiting on coeliac test results and now been given allergy tablets to add to my concotion of pills as doc thinks I have hayfever on top of everything else now too. X

It's horrible isn't it? Since I have been suffering from this at beginning of may I have diagnosed myself with brain tumour, lung cancer, bone cancer, breat cancer, heart problems, blood clot and possible pulminary embolism or the fact that I am going to completely lose my mind and be sectioned lol. I can laugh when I look at it written down but its not funny at the time. Trouble is I am sure the doctors are taking no notice when I go in explaining all my problems. They seem to either say its all the anxiety or give me a variety of pills for all different symptoms. According to the doctor at the moment I am anaemic, have ibs, hayfever, internal piles, anxiety and panic attacks and a trapped nerve in my back! I think they are just given the most common reasons for various things and not putting them all together.
