View Full Version : Heart yet again

17-07-13, 22:46
I have been having such a lovely few days apart from the odd blip and now since I've been to the dr this evening I'm getting tons of palpitations again. I'm so fed up of thinking I'm going to die at any second. I just want to enjoy my beautiful children.
I just had an extra long pause and then a beat. And then I felt like I couldn't breath and my tongue tingled. Is this fear reaction or heart? I'm so lost.
Feel so lonely and sad.
I need logic too. Clear ECG in may, clear eggs from a couple if years back and clear echo and treadmill from a couple of years ago. I've carried two pregnancies. Could I have developed a fatal condition since that time?
I can't keep going on like this.

17-07-13, 22:56
It's anxiety. I get it too, have been like that for years, and it freaks me out. I've had countless ECGs, they all came back fine. I've been to A&E so many times, convinced I was going to die because my heart would pause and then race and then pause again etc. I find that when I manage to keep busy and don't have time to concentrate on my heart, it's fine. I'm also obsessed at times with feeling my pulse, to wait for skipped beats.

Years ago I went to the emergency GP service with yet another imaginary heart attack, and the GP was lovely and kind of holistic. She sat with me for a long time doing breathing exercises. It really helped. I still do that when the anxiety gets too bad, especially in bed at night. It's usually does the trick.

I really feel for you, it's scary stuff.

18-07-13, 03:54
I am only 20 and I started to get palpitations or pvcs when I was 18 in high school from I believe stress. I use to be so scared but as time passed I did not even feel them however when I am stressed and sitting down or laying I feel them like crazy and feels like its hard to breathe so I yawn and yawn and set off panic get the tightness and throat. I get a 100 pvcs a day sometimes and it's normal your heart is healthy and overtime your mind won't even notice it I no now it's hard to believe that. I helped my buddy In college with this he was freaking out of palpitations and it's normal it's your heart but like I told him stressed induced it and it'll get better!

18-07-13, 07:12
You know the answer to that. It is very very scary when you get palpitations. I've had them on and off over the years and they have never harmed me, nor were there any abnormalities on any of my tests.

They feed off the anxiety they create. Look into Mindfulness and meditation techniques... xx

18-07-13, 07:50
Is it normal to 'feel' your heart with the thuds though? Like a twitch or a spasm? I can't describe it but its unnerving. I'm so cross because I've been doing so well and the its back again. It's not just a fluttery feeling like most describe.
I've been laying awake half an hour and have already had at least 6 :(

---------- Post added at 07:50 ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 ----------

And can you damage your own heart from all the stress and worry about it?
Every time I get sad and cry I seem to start off skipped beats or angry about something the kids have done and slightly raise my voice sets it off. I'm scared to even get mildly angry in case it triggers it. I'm worried if I keep getting angry I will trigger a heart attack. You see these people I'm the news who have dropped dead after the stress of being burgled or whatever.