View Full Version : Mouth feels burnt?

17-07-13, 22:53
Just wondering if anyone has had this symptom before, kind of feels like you burnt your mouth from drinking a hot drink, but you haven't done that. Hope that makes sense lol.
I've been getting this for awhile now, and I have a severe anxiety problem. GAD, Panic disorder, along with some depression lately. Not on any medication at the moment but I'm looking into it...
But yeah, I'm thinking this is just another symptom of anxiety, but it can be distressing at times.. I find chewing gum helps, but that gets so tiring and my TMJ acts up. I googled it and apparently there is thing called burning mouth syndrome, which I might have knowing my luck, it mostly effects women who are over 50 though and I'm 22 year old dude. **** me right? haha.

18-07-13, 02:19
Yes i've had this. Especially once it lasted for several months and i ended up going to the Gp who eventually referred me to ENT at the hospital. The consultant said all was fine and it can be the result of anxiety. Once i had been reassured it cleared up soon after!!
I know how distressing it can be, and i hope it eases for you soon.

18-07-13, 09:42
Yes, I've had this too and exactly like you explain - you've scolded your mouth from a hot drink. I've had it on and off for 10 years and it's always worse when I'm anxious and can go for years at a time. I take multi vits, magnesium, inositol and fish oils and it has been less troublesome since I've started all of these.

It's a bit trial and error to see what works, some medication has helped me too - particularly Pregabalin.

18-07-13, 10:25
Yes i have had this!!!!
And i have serve anxiety problem for several months.
My consultant said to me all was fine and it is the result of the anxiety.

18-07-13, 11:44
It could be burning mouth syndrome

18-07-13, 12:01
I had this a few months ago, although mine was just my tongue, it really is irritating and it did gone on for quite a few weeks. My dentist said that it is common with anxiety and that it would probably disappear eventually on it's own. I found that chewing gum helped perhaps because it took my mind off the actual symptoms.

21-07-13, 17:04
interesting i started a with a burning station in mouth on the soft palette around the jaw bone area. looked into it some more and found it was quite common with geographical tongue which i have. i found mints to help

31-07-13, 12:56
do you guys get it more at the back of your tongue or the front? Mine is predominately at the front of my tongue, hurts and feels like I burnt it.

15-08-13, 14:36
Any more people with this symptom? really gettin me down lately. Got my blood tested and everything was fine... I think its nerve damage...