View Full Version : Hello everyone!

12-10-06, 15:42

Just joined the site after looking at a number of others. This is by far the best one i have seen.

I have just recently been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. It all started about 6/7months ago when i went to the doctor complaining of chest pains and a sickly feeling in my stomach. I was told to go to the hospital the next day to have a ECG and x ray as the doctor was worried about the chest pain. They all came back clear, so i was given a blood test that tested for just about everything, which again came bad pretty much ok apart from showing i was a bit run down. Even though i had been given a all clear medically i still had physical pains and symptoms so kept going back to the docs. It was mentioned at this point that i might be suffering from stress and anxiety. The doctors just told me to try and relax and do some exercise.

Over the next few months i kept going back to the doctors with strange pains and feelings (i guess i didn't believe the doctor when they said it could be anxiety as i was fine before) again just to be told it was anxiety. To get up to date in the last few weeks it has all come to a head as i have started having anxiety/panic attacks. I went back to the docs and admitted i though it was anxiety. He gave me beta blockers and sent me to see a psyciatrist who has prescribed me Cipralex (escitalopram),which is making me feel weird!! I have also been refered to a pyscologist who i will be seeing in a weeks time.

In the mean time reading all the posts here has put my mind at rest as i thought i was going crazy and there was no end to it all. Sorry about the long post by the way but its has helped me slightly to write it down for other people to see.

Oh I should say that i am a 24 year old male and for a job i work in TV (so quite a bit of stress there) and do lots of shift work.

Hello everyone, and thanks for reading!


12-10-06, 16:01

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

12-10-06, 16:02
hi northern monkey,

Welcome to the forum, you are having a bad time of it at the minute, but thats becuase you are in the early stages and are finding it hard to come to terms with, i mean, how can you feel like this and have noting wrong with you, i was the same i didnt beleive the doctors and kept going to the hospital and all the test came back with nothing. i then like you started with panic attacks which i can now manage but i have got hralth anxiety now, but with the help of this site you will be able to work through it. do you know what triggered this all off, do you have a specific fear or worry.

just PM me if you need any help, i am always here to help

being nosy, what job do you do in TV, lol i love a bit of gossip

take care


12-10-06, 16:03
Hi Monkey

A BIG warm welcome to you, you will find lots of good advice here and make new friends.



Ma Larkin
12-10-06, 16:11
Hi NorthernMonkey,

I've been a sufferer for 2 years now. Started with a massive panic attack. However, it did get worse before it got better. I think it was just the unexepected, not knowing what was happening to me, just all these symptoms which caused what I thought at the time was a heart attack. I've been on Prozac for 4 months, and apart from a bit of tiredness and slight anxiety, I have been OK. It took me ages to find a medication which agreed with me, and to be honest I could really do with a good night's sleep, but if the Prozac stops panic attacks, then I'm going to stick with it.

It does get easier for a newbie, the symptoms are always frightening, but your mind does goet used to the fact that you aren't going to die from this, it's a pain more than anything else, a complete inconvenience. I just will my anxiety to go away now and try and get on with things. Just keep thinking positive and hopefully, you will settle down and meet this thing half way.

I too have a stressful job, stressful home life. Just turned 40 with 3 kids (single mum, working full-time).

Good luck with the psychologist. Let us know how you get on.


12-10-06, 16:12
Hi, I too have been prescribed citalopram for anxiety/panic! I started on 20mg a day and they made me feel awful .... not sleeping, more anxious, sickly, bit dizzy and a sense of being seperated from the rest of the world! (Similar to the anxiety feelings themselves but worse) My doc advised me to reduce to 10mg for a few weeks (this helped) I went back a few days ago to docs and am now taking 10mg, twice a day (1 in morning and 1 at night) Feel Ok up to now! I think it helped to introduce them slowly! I also take 2mg of diazepam at night if I have trouble sleeping! Working well. I still have my bad days but they have helped in some way! Everyone is different on meds though and you may need to try something else but I would give citalopram a go for a while longer as all meds take 4/6 weeks to kick in! Hope this helps.
Take Care


12-10-06, 18:25
Hi NorthernMonkey

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Glad you are finding this site of help so far.

You will meet some great people here and get loads of support so stick around ok?

"People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel"


12-10-06, 18:31
Hi Monkey,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


12-10-06, 21:13
hi monkey and welcome you will get help and good advice from us here,its helped me loads hope it helps you too,sure it will take care.[^]

12-10-06, 23:13
Hi and welcome,you will get some helpfull advise here,and make some great friends.
take care ;)

Ellen XX

13-10-06, 09:20
and a big warm welcome to the forum


13-10-06, 11:00
hello there,soz you having such a bad time at the moment mate.You have come to the right place tho,for support and understanding.All the horrible feelings you get are common on here and you can share them all with us,then you can start to get well,idid!Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore