View Full Version : some advice please

18-07-13, 10:48
hi i woke up this morning and i couldnt rember wat day it is and now i cant stop worring why that happened i keep asking myself why couldnt i rember and it has made me really anxiouse is this normal and is there any way i can stop worrieing about it as i started to think im loosing my memory. woulsd relly like some advice if any one else has had this and is the anxiety that makes you question every thought you have as i tend to do it all time thk u

18-07-13, 10:50
Quite normal. I wake up many times and can't think of what day it is. For me it only lasts a short while, seconds to a minute. Try not to worry over everything

18-07-13, 10:56
Same - happens to me, often! lol It's quite normal... :)

18-07-13, 11:58
Happened to me the other day, Prozac I think, compounded by my daughter being in a different time zone so I am constantly working out which day it is there. Funnily enough I had realised it was Tuesday but my friend (20 years younger) got me convinced it was Monday and that got me really worried. Then we realised SHE was wrong! :doh:

18-07-13, 14:17
Sometimes i forget the time, the day, the month and even the year. :p
It isn't something worth worrying about. :)