View Full Version : Read if you have ever recovered or are recovering from Anxiety.

18-07-13, 12:42
The first thread i posted a few weeks ago gave me the oppurtunity to describe my anxiety and intrusive thoughts. The thoughts involved harming others and have been very distressing, often making me so anxious that i couldnt be in the house with my parents alone and so on.

My question to you guys is, is what signs of recovery have you seen in yourselves, has your condition fluctuated, have you felt abnormal in anyway, what processes did you go through when recovering. I am currently taking clomipramine 150mg and Quietapine 100mg per day and have been for about a month and a half, i have found myself feeling better for periods and then feeling like i within inches of acting on intrusive thoughts. Even though i never will act upon them, they are so difficult to deal with and the anxiety is horrendous. I just wondered if anybody could help.


18-07-13, 17:47
For most people recovery is a very rocky road. You'll have ups and down's but in general you'll be going up. For me I still get anxious but I can go out a lot more and a lot further now without being a wreck.
I get the intrusive thoughts too and the only thing that I can say is that they're just thoughts just weird nonsense your brain spews out and the more stressed/anxious you are the more frequent they tend to become. If you can, acknowledge their existence but just let them pass don't analyse why they are there or what they mean just treat them as nonconsequential and then they will still be there but hopefully you'll get to the stage where they don't cause you distress