View Full Version : Anxious in this heat:-(

18-07-13, 12:48
Last week on 2 days, when it was at it's hottest, I had a panic that I would faint, light headed feeling and shakes, the typical anxiety symptoms. I worked myself up that in this heat I would faint, as it is a phobia of mine. I had started to feel better and less anxious about it but that was on the days it was 23 max so I was coping fine on those days and that temperature. Today though I am anxious again, I think partly because I read about a postman that died in the heat, and it really upset me. Today it is really hot out and it has made me anxious and I dread going out. I know it is the anxiety bringing on the light headed spells and they cause me to shake.

I wish I didn't worry like this and just enjoy the summer. I drink plenty, eat regular. not that I've had much of an appetite. I stay out of it during the day and relax with the fan on me. I have to go to the school at 3 but I am home by 4 and then I stay in again.

Any wise words to stop me worrying?:)

18-07-13, 12:54
Stay out of the Sun when you can, especially during the hottest hours of 11 am - 3 pm, obviously use a high factor sun screen if you are out, wear a hat, and stay hydrated. Carry some wet wipes or something when you go out and wet your wrists and head and neck if you feel too hot.

18-07-13, 12:57
Thanks Joe. Good advice :-)

18-07-13, 15:08
Hi Pearl. The rise in the temperature makes us feel hot and flushed. Everybody is the same at the moment regardless of whether or not we have anxiety problems. For us though being hot and flushed reminds us of how we feel when we become anxious and we convince ourselves it is anxiety causing us to feel out of sorts.
Remind yourself now and again that is understandable to be hot and uncomfortable while the temperature is high. You will be OK.

18-07-13, 16:00
The heat is terrible isn't it, try and stay in the shade and drink lots of water. It takes an awful lot for you to faint in the heat. Think about people in other hotter places, this is mild for them eh? You'll be fine :)

18-07-13, 17:32
Thank you both, reassuring.

I am just scared and also been having palpitations so they are scaring me. They seem to hit in this heat:-(

18-07-13, 19:30
I'm not doing well with the heat at all. I seem to be wearing more than the average person. I'm always fanning myself cos I'm so hot. And I'm having an increase in palpitations, more skipped beats.

18-07-13, 20:01
I'm also struggling, the fatigue and loss of appetite are making me convinced I have cancer. I feel so shattered, just want to lie down and sleep.

18-07-13, 20:10
I'm also sturggling.
Complete loss of appetite.
Had my breaky at 6 Ish. Then couldn't stomach my cold pasta lunch at work.
Went back in uneaten and felt awful after worried about fainting etc etc...
Luckily a man offered me a cookie and I felt better after that.Only managed a salad and cold meats for dinner to. :(

I hate the heat.
Give me cold weather any day.
Nice and cosy with a onesie, cuppa tea and hot water bottle and my duvets lush .

18-07-13, 20:35
I'm not enjoying the heat either. I too am scared to go out, as my heart seems to race more and the palpatations and skipped beats are pretty much constant. It's really getting me down. I prefer it a bit more cooler. But this heat does make our anxiety go through the roof. Try to stay well hydrated and keep in the shade , you will be fine x