View Full Version : health anxiety trying to come back !

18-07-13, 14:33
so I suffered from health anx for about 6 years now as many of u no me ..I have my ups and downs but for the last 3-4 months ive been doing well not letting it get to me ...well2 days agao I started to get my pressure back in my face and head very bad I am off balance and my eyes are blurry and my ears hurt super bad ..nose is alittle stuffy ...but I also keep getting super hot and start sweating then ill get so cold were I have to wrap up in blankets and it still don't help I have constant chills and upset tummy allday I am a mess and so scared ,I have every thought running threw my mind ...I fear I have a sinus infection and its affected my brain ..I fear I have tumour ,or anurisum ..or my brain is swelling ..I cant breathe right ....if anyone has any suggestion it would help :(

18-07-13, 16:14
You have a viral infection.

18-07-13, 20:36
after I clamed down I thought it may be a viral thing and allergies maybe too

18-07-13, 21:56
It's horrible isn't it how the thoughts are all consuming at the time and then later you can see how irrational you might have been? My gp told me I should write down how I feel at the time and then how I felt afterwards to almost laugh at myself as to how stupid my thought process was. Does that make sense?

19-07-13, 06:56
mummyanxious .ive done this before .it has made me laugh the things I come up with half time ive never ever heard of them lol my mind makes up the wildest things