View Full Version : Worried about tetanus, should I go to a&e?

18-07-13, 14:59
Ok so was outside today in the school playground (I work in a school) and wearing sandals. As I was walking along, something sharp penetrated my big toe. It stung for a few seconds and when I looked down at my foot, there was a pinprick cut on my toe which was bleeding enough to make a small patch in my shoe.
I'm not sure what it was, a piece of bark or a piece of wood or something.

I'm worried it had animal feces or animal saliva on it and therefore got into my body. Should I go to a&e or doctors?

18-07-13, 15:55
Sounds like wasp sting.
I didn't get a tetanus when I was stung and I was walking bare foot for hours after.
However if you are worried then maybe go to walk-in centre? I doubt they'd just give you a tetanus upon request but if you say you saw rusty nails or something lying on the ground then maybe they would?

18-07-13, 16:05
I didn't see rusty nails, I think it was a piece of sharp bark or something, I did check the ground afterwards and couldn't see much...I'm getting myself into a panic now :(

18-07-13, 16:09
If you're worried call your GP surgery, although you're no doubt covered against tetanus. If it's a large wound and looks inflamed they may give you antibiotics.

18-07-13, 16:10
It's not a large wound, it's a a tiny pin prick one.
I'm worried something infectious got inside me. It is not bleeding anymore.

18-07-13, 16:12
Sorry I just meant in case they suspected an insect bite as I doubt theyd give you a tetanus for one, whereas if you said there were rusty nails they may. I truly think it's nothing to worry about but I do know they sting! And for a while too.

18-07-13, 16:14
Sorry I just meant in case they suspected an insect bite as I doubt theyd give you a tetanus for one, whereas if you said there were rusty nails they may. I truly think it's nothing to worry about but I do know they sting! And for a while too.

Do wasp stings bleed?

18-07-13, 16:15
Anything which punctures the blood vessels un the skin can cause bleeding.

18-07-13, 16:17
Hmm I don't think mine did. But I was bare foot and at 1st just thought I'd stood on a pebble so didn't look at it until it started to sting more & more. Maybe go to the walk-in? Personally sounds like nothing to me but I know what it's like to worry and have'what ifs' in the back of your mind. Even when we know it's nothing we sometimes need a professional to confirm that.

18-07-13, 16:18
Should I ring nhs direct instead?

18-07-13, 16:20
Certainly can do, that's what they're there for.

18-07-13, 16:25
Can't you just call your GP surgery ?

18-07-13, 16:30
I've called NHS direct, they asked what it looked like etc and said I should clean it out and put a plaster on it but shouldn't worry about tetanus at this stage.

18-07-13, 21:44
I'm still panicking.
Everything I've read says if the cut has come from the ground or soil area then you should be careful because of the risk of tetanus.
The piece of bark was in and on the soil, if it was that or a thorn - same thing, in soil and on the dirty ground.

Should I go to walk in or a&e tomorrow? I have work tomoz too :(

---------- Post added at 21:44 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ----------

I have had all my vaccinations at school, am I then covered for life?