View Full Version : Unable to get a full breath

18-07-13, 15:32
Hi all,

for the past two weeks I have been suffering from anxiety - I am not having a full panic attack I just feel tense and am unable to get a full breath - I have to really concentrate on acheiving this and often go into the toilets so i can lock myself in a cubicle to do this - I got some beta blockers off the doctor a week ago and have been taking these but they don't appear to be helping much - I am pretty sure that i am going to just snap out of this sometime soon but it is going on for a while now - I have a week off work in a weeks time and i am kind of thinking that the time off will help me snap out of it - it is awful sitting at work all day feeling like i can't breath properly - can any relate to this or have any advice on the matter? p.s everything else in my life if pretty good at present so there is not really any underlying factor!

18-07-13, 15:47

I had my first panic attack in 2007 because I felt that I couldn't get a full breath - even tried yawning all the time - but nothing.

When I'm anxious I struggle, but once I calm myself down - I breathe just fine.

Sitting at work, worrying, won't help. Have you tried any breathing/relaxation techniques where you breathe from your tummy? I know I used to breathe mostly from the top of my chest - like I was hyperventilating.

18-07-13, 15:50
Hi, thanks for your reply - I havent tried any techniques - can you reccomend any please?

18-07-13, 15:59

Let me tell you about a couple. Give me a moment to type 'em up please! :D

18-07-13, 16:08
You will find useful podcasts here

18-07-13, 16:08
Just going to ramble on... quoting from a book:

- Abdominal Breathing Exercise

1. Place your hand on your abdomen, right beneath your rib cage.
2. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose into the "bottom" of your lungs - send the air as low down as you can. Your hand should rise.
3. Once you've taken in a full breath, pause for a moment and then exhale slowly through your nose or mouth. Exhale fully, allowing your body to just 'let go'.
4. Do ten slow, full abdominal breaths. Try to keep your breathing smooth and regular without gulping or gasping for air. Count from ten down to one counting backwards, e.g.

Slow inhale... Pause... Slow exhale ("Ten")
Slow inhale... Pause... Slow exhale ("Nine")
Slow inhale... Pause... Slow exhale ("Eight")
And so on.

5. Extend the exercise if you wish. They say a full 5 minutes is most beneficial.

- Progressive Muscle Relaxation

There are guided progressive muscle relaxation exercises - which can be downloaded from the web for the free. I put some on my iPod...


More reading:


18-07-13, 18:39
Hi all,

for the past two weeks I have been suffering from anxiety - I am not having a full panic attack I just feel tense and am unable to get a full breath - I have to really concentrate on acheiving this and often go into the toilets so i can lock myself in a cubicle to do this - I got some beta blockers off the doctor a week ago and have been taking these but they don't appear to be helping much - I am pretty sure that i am going to just snap out of this sometime soon but it is going on for a while now - I have a week off work in a weeks time and i am kind of thinking that the time off will help me snap out of it - it is awful sitting at work all day feeling like i can't breath properly - can any relate to this or have any advice on the matter? p.s everything else in my life if pretty good at present so there is not really any underlying factor!

If you phone No Panic, they have a recorded breathing exercise on the phone, that you can listen to as many times as you like: 01952 680835 or you can phone them and speak to a real person, who is a help-liner and should be able to give you lots of valuable information:0800 138 8889

19-07-13, 09:17
Thank you both for your advice - I will try the breathing excercises :)