View Full Version : From nothing to full blown health anxiety in 2 weeks.

18-07-13, 17:34
Reposted. I wrote this earlier but it was toooo long. This is shortened.

I have had 2 two moles bleeding very slightly in the past 2 weeks. I took them both to two different doctors (on different days this week) and they both said that the moles were fine. I showed them both OTHER moles I was worried about and they both said that all the moles seemed fine. I have a Derm. appointment next week on Tuesday.

Despite my appointment with a derm. next week and having doctors look at ALL of the moles I was worried about, I have got huge anxiety. I am obsessing over all the other moles that haven't been seen by a doctor, wishing I had asked more questions to the doctors and even thinking the doctors didn't tell me something or are wrong. They were both very young doctors and maybe not experienced.

I have had nights where I have slept two hours, shaking uncontrollably, butterflies, feeling very nauseas. I have been very sweaty at night and had so many nightmares. Everything feels surreal right now, I cant relax in any way. I am just sat at home feeling sick. Before 2 weeks ago, I had never had anxiety like this.

I feel like I am going mad.

18-07-13, 19:53
Hi there...

Just over 2 weeks ago I was in the spare room - by the window... I was looking at my moles and I found a tiny black dot in one I've had forever! Boy oh boy did I panic. I even hurt my chest from breathing hard...

I went to a dermatologist. See if yours does mole screening? It's like a little scanning thingy - and you can see everything clearly from the photo it produces. That should give you a definite answer! :) And some peace of mind...

If they have to come off, then so be it. I had the one removed. Not a very pleasant experience overall - my dermatologist phoned a psychiatrist while I was there. lol I told him I have anxiety. But the procedure itself is not that bad - just a few pricks.