View Full Version : uncommon phobias

18-07-13, 20:08
i have a phobia which can relate to lots of people in certain ways, its called misophonia.

For example, i hate the sound of people eating, or seeing them eat. I cant stand scratching, nail biting, yawning, tapping, snoring, breathing, sniffing, coughing basically everything! even if i cant hear people doing these things, if i even see them its just as bad. Its very, very difficult to live with. Makes you fall out with a lot of family members and friends. I know from experience.

For most people, when they hear someone eating or scraping their cutlery and dont like it, they will get annoyed! but for people with misophonia, you get a burning sensation inside of you that radiates your entire body and literally makes you want to scream and kill the person doing it.

18-07-13, 20:26
Wow, I think I may have this? I can't even describe how much I despise hearing people breathing. Children, adults, elderly, probably even poorly people (god bless them).
My 'triggers' are mainly only breathing (BIG ISSUE) and eating (which I can manage if TV or music is on). The burning sensation is something I have gotten for a long time when hearing people breath. My partner knows about it but he is the only person who does. I feel like a complete freak! I don't ever want to kill the person doing it but I do have the urge to hit them or cry my eyes out with frustration.

18-07-13, 21:45
I have a weird uncommon phobia too - I don't like torn paper (especially torn cardboard). I've had it for as long as I can remember - when I was a child, I'd often scream if someone tore some paper while I was in the room, or left it lying around where I could see it. Back then, people sometimes used to tease me about it and try to scare me on purpose. So nowadays I don't tell anyone about it. Thankfully it's not something I'm exposed to very often nowadays, and I can cope with it better now than when I was a child.

I also hate it when people breathe loudly, especially through their mouth.

19-07-13, 06:56
I fear open spaces. I can't cross a wide yard, because i get panicky and feel like i'm foing to pass out. When my anxiety gets worse, even crossing a road by myself seems difficult. I don't know if theree's a name for this phobia, but it can be frustrating. :/

19-07-13, 08:21
I had a set of phobias as a kid which can still kick in if I get very stressed. Most of them were around noises: Washing machines, toilets, the word "Aah!" (when people suddenly 'got' a point of conversation), sirens, seeing full baths (or watching them empty) and seeing certain places (which 'gave me my Aah feeling' as I called it. I think it was a child's word for sheer, terrified panic! I described it as 'like someone is sucking inside my chest'.). I remember being terrified of an old Alpen advert, which showed the Matterhorn. I did visit it once and it was beautiful.

A counsellor once pointed out that many of mine were to do with being swallowed up.

I had recurring dreams about seeing people being cut open, and one day it occurred to me that some of my fears must be to do with my very sudden, traumatic birth.

One day I saw a film of an emergency C-section and as they pulled the baby out, it was whisked away by a doctor who intubated it to help breathing, and as they did so somebody said, "Aah! She's fine!"

I felt such a connection to that moment, and I've never had the fear since.

Strange enough for ya? ;)

19-07-13, 11:29
Strange you should start a thread about uncommon phobias as just this morning on the local radio (I think it may be in the papers) they were talking about a woman with turophobia, a phobia of cheese.

19-07-13, 17:51
Oh how terrible!! I adore cheese!!!

19-07-13, 18:44
I have this phobia. Worse one-- the sound of nail clippers ooooh no.
I cannot use them either, just scissors.
nail picking, or anyone that keeps moving there foot up and down when their legs are crossed.
What KeeKee said about the breathing thing.
I once told my hubby to stop breathing. I felt awful after:weep: because that was a terrible thing to say. It's the noises from breathing-- like snoring in a way.

19-07-13, 19:03
I have this phobia. Worse one-- the sound of nail clippers ooooh no.
I cannot use them either, just scissors.
nail picking, or anyone that keeps moving there foot up and down when their legs are crossed.
What KeeKee said about the breathing thing.
I once told my hubby to stop breathing. I felt awful after:weep: because that was a terrible thing to say. It's the noises from breathing-- like snoring in a way.

Magic, I have the phobia of nail clippers and nails in general, if someone tries to cut their nails near me it makes me feel physically ill.

21-07-13, 15:52
Phobia of noise! Noise made by people rather than machines though :( Need to live in the middle of a field evidently!! Lol

21-07-13, 22:11
Does anyone else here have a phobia of torn paper, or is it just me?! :blush:

06-08-13, 20:31
I have a phobia of people blowing balloons up as the possible sudden loud bang scares the wits out of me. If I come across balloons I head off in the opposite direction.

purple to black
06-08-13, 22:33
I have a phobia of wooden spoons especially wet ones, the feel of them makes me feel panicky, also wet jumpers...ugh!

Paul H
07-08-13, 21:57
Balloon phobias are quite common, relatively speaking. I've not seen anyone for a phobia of wooden spoons so far. I look forward to my first case.

Really, a good hypnotherapist could work wonders with such phobias. I've seen people who would vomit when confronted with a big house spider. Two hours later (well, two sessions - a week apart) and they're sending me photos of the spiders they've deliberately hunted and caught in their gardens. I would urge you to consider hypnotherapy...

13-08-13, 17:04
I get the noise things as well, dogs barking, particularly little yappy ones. Since living with a neighbour who leaves her dog yapping for hours, its developed over time. Now being in my house I am tense waiting for it. Then when it starts yapping I have to work really hard to surpress the anger. That or go punch hell out of the bed!

13-04-14, 00:21
Hey guys,

I saw an advertisement this week for a new tv show on itv about some professional psychotherapists who work with problems like this, and they're currently looking for people to come forward to have their problems sorted? I've seen them successfully work with unusual phobias before so it might be worth a try if you want to email? It just said to email:


with details about the problem.....I've emailed myself to get help for my phobias and I just thought its definitely worth a try if there's a chance it could help anyone else to get over theirs too! I'd do anything to get over my phobias so theres no harm in trying!