View Full Version : Health anxiety - i think i have it.

18-07-13, 20:50
Hi, just to introduce myself. I am a 23 year old girl, never had any health issues/hospitals trips in my life. Basically, lately i've had a raft of blood tests and other tests to determine why i was having some IBS symptoms, which had gotten worse over last few months. All tests came back as normal and all my other health aspects are fine, i have no pain or weight-loss or fatigue; anyone would say well, you must be fine, the tests say so, so stop worrying.
But i have got it into my head that the tests were all wrong and i am ill, and that maybe the tests were wrongly performed or they missed something. I have noticed this is a common thought pattern of mine, as today i went for tests at a sexual health clinic (i suddenly had a panic and decided to go get tests, despite having no real reason for doing so), and i have convinced myself the same again will happen, the tests might get done wrong or lost or switched. I know its unlikely but my head is just pushing itself to the limits with the anxiety.
I think all this was triggered a few years ago, when a very close family friend died of cancer, aged just 26. Ever since then i have been paranoid every time i get ill, or a stomach ache, or anything. I have convinced myself i am going to die of cancer. No of course, anxiety or not, this could happen, it does happen, its a crappy world at times. But i'd like to stop bothering my GP and everyone around me with my incessant worries.
Any thoughts?

18-07-13, 21:53
I think that would have been the perfect trigger for you and so sorry you're suffering, welcome. Mine started after i was diagnosed with something after being told nothing was wrong with me. all sorted now but the fact something was missed has made me mistrustful. Everyone is super helpful and nice on here so just bother us with your worries :)

18-07-13, 22:23
Welcome, I have health anxiety and I don't trust any doctors or tests I have. I've had bad experience with doctors all my life that's why I get anxious about my health. Yeah that would be a trigger, my brother had health problems and suddenly passes away and that's one of the reasons my anxiety started. Private mail me any time always happy to talk

18-07-13, 22:37
Welcome :)
Yes that does sound like a common pattern of thought for HA. Many of us, me included, will get clear test results then start thinking that they didn't test for the right thing, of we will develop new symptoms and want more tests fo reassurance. Cancer is my major fear and I think that it's one of the biggest worried for many of us on this board. Logically speaking, whilst there are always tragic cases, the risk at your age is very small indeed. I am sorry to hear about your friend and it's understandable that it would trigger anxiety. Have you spoken to your GP about your level of anxiety? If you have a good Dr they may well be able to support you in coping with this. Best wishes to you x