View Full Version : Anxiety Suffering - Getting Worse

18-07-13, 21:00
Lets start from the beginning, i have suffered from anxitey for nearl 12 yrs, i am now 33yrs old. i start by a bad experience as a passenger in a car when the driver overtook dangerously on a hill. I had a panic attack. From there i could not get in the car without panicing. which evolved with me anxious as a passenger and as a driver, ie driving on motorway and people getting to close to me. I haven't been on a bus, train or plane since, as i feel trapped and out of control

Anyway, i had CBT and almost overcome it until 5yrs ago where i was driving and had car up my ar$£ on the motorway, i had a panic attack. i am now on citalopram and tried CBT but nothing seemed to help.

3yrs ago i was signed off weeks with stress/anxiety as the wife left and took our son. So i am employed and been with them for 8yrs now. Anyway i have moved jobs inside the company, been doing it for 5months now and its more stressful and has more pressure causing My anxiety to be very strong. I have mentioned it to my boss when i started and he seemed to be aware of it, then 2 months in i got to the point i almost didnt go in purely because my boss yelled at me and was being off towards me for something that i did unintentionally. So i spoke to HR and had meeting etc... Anyway all has been ok until 2 weeks ago where i have had constant adrenalin and anxiety. I have spoken to HR and said speak to boss first, who isnt in this week, so i spoke to my old boss who is the number 2 to explain. They seemed sympathetic, but they said i need to address it with my boss which i am getting anxious over. Ideally i want my old job back and not sure how to approach the issue. If i keep going i am going to exhuast myself andf sign off for 2 weeks, i have explained to boss and HR previously thats what i do not wish to do?

I dont know what to do? will they sack me? not sure how it will go down asking to go back to my old job. My boss is not very sympathetic.