View Full Version : help please cant catch my breath

12-10-06, 17:40
i am panicking at the moment, i have all day been finding it hard to catch my breath and the more i am trying not to the more i find that i am doing it, i know that i am probably overbreathing and that why i have got this feeling in my throat like a burning sensation, but its really freaking me out. its a really hard one to explain, but sometimes when you yawn you get that feeling and normally it goes un-noticed but today i am finding that i am trying to do this more often and i am not able to so hense i am getting panicky. has anybody else suffered from this or gets this, any help would be greatly apppreciated



12-10-06, 17:47
hi when i get panicky i have a burning sensation in my throat its a bit like heart burn i find when i get a bad panic attack i count the alphabet over and over again and it soon dissapears try not to worry the more you worry the worse the panic mazza xx

mrs m bevis

12-10-06, 18:00
hi ruth,

sorry no advice, but sending ((((hugs))). The only thing i can suggest is distraction if at all possible. When i get really anxious i try playing something mind numbing like solitaire on line.

love anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

12-10-06, 18:01

First of all a big (((((HUG))))))) for you.

Its one of the most common symptoms of a panic attack burning in the throat or the feeling like your throat is tight. You will OK and when you claim down so will your throat.

Just remember it can't hurt you it won't harm you anyway you can breathe and your throat will go away as soon as you forget about.

Hope you feel better soon.



12-10-06, 18:04
thanks for the replyies,

i am a big coward, the slightest thing freaks me out, i have still got it but i am trying to bear with it, maybe a glass of red will do the trick lol

12-10-06, 18:16

You are not a coward Panic attacks are not nice at all the thing to remember though even if you feel terrible right now it will soon pass. Try this if you can sit down and don't fight the panic it will make it worse let it just wash over your head, put you hands in your lap and breathe though you nose counting up to 4 they breathe out through your mouth counting up too 7 as you breathe in deeply counting 4 feel your tummy rise as if it was full and breathe out again 7

If you can do this for 3 minutes you feel much better

Mel xxx

12-10-06, 18:17
Ruth honey,

Hope you feel a bit better now xx HUGS xx I'm here for you always.

Take Care


12-10-06, 18:20
thanks mel, i am sitting here now looking like an idiot pmsl with my hands on my stomach and the kids are thinking shes a bloody nutter, you have got to laugh havent you.


12-10-06, 18:24
Oh Ruth that made me laugh :) sounds like you may be feeling better lol

My kids think I'm a nutter too lol

Love Mel xxx

12-10-06, 18:27
im not feeling better mel, but i just try and make myself and others laugh, that what i like doing, i get a sort of kick out of it.

still feel like poo but i am still here, got to drive the car in a min, god help them on the road

really nice to talk to you



12-10-06, 18:38
Lovely to talk to as well Ruth,

Just don't drive with your hands in your lap and you will be fine:D

Take care

PM me if you fancy a natter at anytime.

Mel xxx

12-10-06, 18:44

If distraction doesn't help then try some gentle exercise - just walking up and down the stairs.

Be reassure that the body NEVER forgets how to breathe even though it feels like it at times.

It is scary but know that you will continue to breathe ok and nothing bad will happen to you.

Hope you feel better soon.

"People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel"


Granny Primark
12-10-06, 19:23
i cant give you any advice only hugs but i do understand what you say about making other laugh. Hope you begin to feel better soon
Take care

12-10-06, 19:58
ok, its doing my head in now, and not only that hes doing my head in also, god i hate men, i am on that one now, why do men treat us like sssssssttttttttt. as if i wasnt feeling bad enough, he comes home in a foul mood and makes me even worse, all i can say is watch out bargain booze here i come !!!!!!