View Full Version : going into panic mode, please help :-(

18-07-13, 21:13
God I feel so stupida but I cannot stop the anxiety and panic going into overdrive right now.

I am having so many problems on a daily basis that I am just so scared right now. Right at this minute I am having a slight pain on right side just under ribs which is bothering me a little, sometimes I get this on left side too. Also my many digestive problems. Also now my forehead is tingling on and off and feels very heavy with pressure and pressure in my ears also. I feel lightheaded and slightly dizzy too. Oh and my neck aches!

That's only for this evening! Everyday there are a number of issues that I am really struggling with right now are tipping me over the edge. I am so scared and fed up I just want to be me again. Anyone else having these issues?


18-07-13, 22:24
When I suffered anxiety, I had all of those symptoms.
Since recovery, none.....even if I am getting any , I don't seem to pay any attention...

18-07-13, 22:25
Hi Mummytofour (snap btw :)

Ok so firstly the pains in your abdomen is more than likely wind! as stupid as that sounds, I once ended up at out of hours convinced I was having a heart attack, doc got me to drink some fizzy juice (as carried by my ever so worried partner) I burped and the pain eased! A very true and extremely embarrassing story! Do you have any Rennies/Gaviscon? Try these :) Even some warm boiled water and lying on your tummy can help.

In regards with the pressure in your head and the tingling, this is the anxiety kicking in. I get it when I'm anxioius, this is all perfectly normal (well for us anyway).

You need to distract yourself and relax! Easier said than done I know. Go and take something for your stomach first of all and then lay down in your bed or on your couch with a book or put on a movie. Doing something that will distract your thoughts will ease the pressure feeling in your head, oh and it doesn't hurt to take some pain killers just in case this induces a tension head ache. Nip it in the bud I say!

Hope this helps :)

P.S Don't forget to take deep breaths from the belly (not the chest)!

18-07-13, 22:49
Thanks stormsky, well done on your recovery. May I ask how you got through and have recovered. I have only been dealing with this anxiety for 10 weeks but feels like forever and think I will never get me back again.

Jammiebasket. Thanks so much for the advice and comforting thought that its not just me. I have been having stomach issues for yrs now but have gotten worse the last few weeks. Fed up with it all now. Feeling a lot calmer now.


18-07-13, 22:57
I suffered for 12 yrs.. Took meds for 11 yrs... Been med free 2 yrs now, and recovered about 18 months now...
Everyone's journey is different, I can only say if I was you, to nip it in the bud now, don't let this illness get deep set... You don't want years of it believe me.. So get all the help you can, and most importantly, help yourself.. Only you can help you in the long run...
Positive thinking is a must, don't develop fears...
I didn't suffer health Anx, so can't advise too much on that.

19-07-13, 07:04

I'm glad you started to feel calmer :) It really is all in our minds, which I know (only too well) doesn't always help us to know!

My best bit of advice to anyone is distraction...Whenever you feel yourself about to burst over thoughts about dying...go and do something! Anything! Cleaning/watching TV/Get on the phone and speak to someone/read a book...do anything you can that will distract your thoughts, and also don't forget to try and relax! sitting watching TV when your tense and clenching your teeth wont help. So do some nice deep, calm breathing, distract yourself and before you know it, your feeling better. Not cured mind, just better :)

Then once you have managed to calm your thoughts you are then able to rationalise them! Because if your 'symptoms' die down with your stress/anxiety levels, then you know that's exactly what it was. It was your mind manifesting syptoms because of how stressed/anxious you are! Anxiety can be very cruel and you are definately not the only one to experience it. You will find LOTS of helpful threads on here :)

I was diagnosed with GAD in 2005, I stumbled upon this site and it helped me so much. Sometimes just knowing there are others that can relate can make the world of difference. I would suggest that you search this site for all of the symptoms you experience when you feel worried and I'm quite sure this will help set your mind at ease :)

Anxiety is something that everyone in the world has, it's only that ours is heightened. Also a lot of what we are scared of, is a learned behaviour. Some where a long the line we have told ourselves that these symptoms mean really bad things, but as long as we keep assuring ourselves it does get better and eventually (please take it from me), these syptoms will start to pass you by :)

I still get a full head feeling, or tingling in my arm. I just remember to do my breathing and keep telling myself, if it was serious I would be in a lot more pain, discomfort than I actually am...then after a while they will subside :) It's not a great time when you feel that way, or when your waiting for it to pass. But the more you do it (calm yourself) the easier and more natural it will become.

Oh and I also am a Mum to four, the stress of being a parent is enough for anyone to have their moments. Just remember that you are a strong person who is dealing with this and still raising four kids! It's a tough job, so don't forget how strong you are :)

19-07-13, 07:46
Wow stormsky, that's a long time to be dealing with this. I really hope I can get throuh this sooner rather than later. At the moment I am still settling on my higher dose of citalopram I believe. Then I intend to try some cbt.

19-07-13, 08:15
Jammiebasket, that story is a great comfort to me - I was once almost hospitalised for appendicitis for what turned out to be a SEVERE case of trapped wind. Let's just say I was so glad I was alone when I discovered the true cause of my agony!!! :blush::ohmy::roflmao:

19-07-13, 08:17
Hi jammiebasket,

I am just so fed up with feeling rotten everyday. I wake up fine in the morning and go about getting kids to school etc and eventually one of my many aches or pains show up and bam its got me. My tummy lately is gurgling after earing anything, I have loads of gas straight away too. I have the runs everyday and last week had blood in it. Sorry for the yucky info lol. I also keep getting like a pressure in my chest as if gas is stuck. That's just my stomach everyday let alone the rest. Just wish doctors would hurry up and find out what's wrong. I think I would feel better if I knew what was going on with my body right now.

Also found out I am really low on iron last week so on tablets now for that but that has made me feel weak and dizzy too. I swear I feel like my body is giving up on me.

I must say I find myself clenching my jaw a lot and try to relax it when I notice I am doing it. Same with my shoulders tensed all the time. Also have been told I have a pinched nerve in my back from when I had my baby.

I feel so guilty also as I am still getting things done and taking care of kids fine but feel like I am not in the moment a lot.

I do try to relax when I feel panic setting in and I can usually stop it going into a full blown attack but I get so scared when it starts. It's so frustrating.

I find distraction good too and it does help. Wish my brain could switch off from constant overthinking all these symptoms.


19-07-13, 19:51
Speranza - haha! See we are all the same, also I'm quite sure it's not just you and I that have had one of these embarrassing blips either :doh::hugs::roflmao:

Mummytofour - It's really horrible eh! and especially when your minding your own, and it just pops up out the blue! Almost as if it were trying to keep us on our toes!

Does sound to me like you have a lot to deal with and the symptoms you have given do sound like there could be something. However, the doctors wouldn't be leaving you to wait on test results if they thought it could be life threatening. Tbh it sounds like it might be an ulcer. My sisters ex had that, he had stomach pains, blood in his stools and at times could be in a lot of discomfort. They put him on a series of medication and it soon healed :) Do you find you get a lot of acid indigestion? That stuff can give you awful pains in your chest :( I hate it!

Also you say you feel find in the morning and these symptoms come on later on. This may also be because getting the kids ready you will be rushing about, constantly on the go. Then when their off at school/out playing things start to slow down for you. Giving you more time to listen to your body more and take notice of things that were probably there all along, but now you can focus on them.

Sounds to me like you have it sussed though; your seeking medical advice for your symptoms and you have a handle on stopping the panic attacks from happening! Which is by far the hardest thing to do!

Just try not to worry too much about what the doctor has to say! Take comfort in the fact it's being looked into :)

19-07-13, 20:47

I am waiting on blood test at the moment for coeliac disease as I tick all the boxes for that so even though it sounds stupid, I hope that's what the problem is so I will know once and for all and can start feeling good again in time. It's amazing how much symptoms coeliac can give a person really.

I am very lucky to have such a great support, not only with finding this site but also my partner is great at looking after me and my mother in law has anxiety, ocd, depression and panic attacks (bless her) so she is constantly checking on me and only lives round the corner so if I am feeling really bad I walk round there to calm down.

Thanks guys :-)