View Full Version : health anxiety getting so much better but few more questions!!!!

18-07-13, 22:36
hey guys i have been doing much better each day is truly a battle and ups and downs usually come but i just keep telling myself its anxiety and breathe and its eventually slightly goes away.

my symptoms i get now is just like that anxiety nervous feeling in my upper chest and throat like I'm nervous and stressed but I'm not at all and its just lasts for a little while another symptom is tightness in my lower throat it just comes and goes and i don't no why i feel like its difficult to breathe and cant take a full breathe but im not really panicy anymore? these things come out of nowhere honestly and sometimes i get those dizzy zaps for like 3 seconds where i feel like im floating then come back. Anyone else feel these symptoms as well?

24-07-13, 18:56
the thing with panic and anxiety is that it manifests in different ways normally when panicy you dont breath properly so you lack oxygen and that is what makes you dizzy and lightheaded and you feel disconnected from everything its totally normal take care and blessings

24-07-13, 19:01
Agree with above ^