View Full Version : Beta Blockers

18-07-13, 22:52
Ok, so I went the docs again today and asked if there was something that could ease the symptoms of my nightly panic attacks and was prescribed 10mg Propranlol Beta Blockers. I was wondering at what point do I need to take them, im not in full pain mode but I can feel it starting..... feeling a bit jittery but that's all. Im not usually worried when taking medication off the docs but my blood pressure is naturally on the low side and im just worried that they will make me feel worse if I take them when my heart isn't racing due to panic and lower my blood pressure more.
Has anyone had any experience with beta blockers,

18-07-13, 23:03
Hi there,

I can't see there being a problem. I take them as and when I need them, sometimes just to prevent anxiety before a time when I think I may become anxious. They work really well for the physical symptoms and you'll feel reassured when you've taken them a couple of times.

10mg is quite a low dose so you should be fine.


18-07-13, 23:06
I used to take 100mg atenolol or 80mg propranolol in one take, so 10mg is ok i think, even with low blood pressure.

18-07-13, 23:08
thanks very much for your reply, ill give one a go now, cant make me feel worse than when im in full blown panic. Just hope they work, I need a break from the panic, everynight is too much.
Here goes.........gulp lol

18-07-13, 23:23
Good luck - you'll be fine. I find they kick in after 30 mins or so.


19-07-13, 08:52
I'mon 40mg Propranolol twice a day and I take mine at 12pm and midnight so I get a good nights sleep. Usually, a good sleep is enough to keep me reasonably level headed until dinnertime though in this heat, I've had some pretty bad spells!

MrsS x