View Full Version : What starts your panic attacks?

18-07-13, 23:20
I go through the same motion every night, it gets to about 8.30pm and I start feeling jittery. No one thing sets it off, I could be watching an exciting tv show, or something as simple as a knock at the door will set me off once im jittery. Im not worried about anything and don't feel anxious during the day.

18-07-13, 23:22
Body clock, used to feeling it every night at that time..

19-07-13, 13:25
I go through the same motion every night, it gets to about 8.30pm and I start feeling jittery. No one thing sets it off, I could be watching an exciting tv show, or something as simple as a knock at the door will set me off once im jittery. Im not worried about anything and don't feel anxious during the day.

I used to be terrible with knocks on the door. The minute I'd hear one and the dogs barked, I'd be shaking like a leaf and short of breath. I used to end up in a terrible state even when the postman put a letter through the door. I'm still a little afraid of the knocks, but these days I have a little hold on it. Another thing that used to send shocks through me was when my partner would put a cup down on the table. I'd shake and feel really panicky.

19-07-13, 13:33
Feeling like I can't breathe properly... but it passes.

I don't like feeling dizzy or light-headed. That usually makes me feel quite panicky.

Being in a strange place, out of my comfort zone, will do it too.

Any twitch or ache and pain in my body - always think the worse = panic.

19-07-13, 14:17
During the panic normally i will some liquid items.. Like coffee, or water lemon juice.


20-07-13, 09:28
It's strange but I am finding the sun and heat making me anxious! I also can trigger a panic attack by looking at the sky. The enormity of its all sets me off!

20-07-13, 11:45
...my thoughts....which I catastrophise :doh:

20-07-13, 11:51
Noises and smells when I am really in panic mode.

20-07-13, 22:04
I get bad in the evenings and at night because my first attack I had, happened in the evening..like you I feel okay in the day. Maybe it happens also because I'm generally trying to relax more indoors later in the day. I spend as much time as I can outside.

21-07-13, 09:03
I get it baad when im alone... i dont like being alone.

21-07-13, 09:04
I think a bit like what Sarah said.My thoughts start to lead me into a panic.