View Full Version : i'm new and confused

12-10-06, 17:53
hello there im sweety060 and i heard about this website off the channel4 website, i was just wondering what people do, because i really need some people to talk to about the problems i have and i can't talk to my family at all, and my friends don't really understand, if anyone could just give me some advice on how to get started and how to post things etc because im new and a little confused.[8D][8D]
i suffer from anticipatory anxiety which is complicated, it's like a fear of knowing how i will react with another fear and being terrified of it, i also have OCD which gets me really stressed and i usd to see a councellor but my dad found out and went mad and there is no stable family at home so i can't talk to any of them. I recently did my mock exams and it was one of the worst experiences ever, i have my real GCSE's next year and i don't know how i'll cope, i had panic attacks in almost every one, at first i didn't think anything was wrong with the way i was behaving but i talked to some people and researched the symptons on the net, i was doing things like shaking, sweating an awful lot, having stomach upsets every time i had an exam and not when i wasn't in the exam, having a lot of difficulty breathing and blanking out for 3 or 4 minutes at a time, i ended up walking out of one of the main exams because i could feel myself fainting and had to get outside quick.
i would love some advice if anyone has anything liek this and where i could for advice or help, because it will ruin my exams next year if i don't do anything about it, thanks alot!
love from sweety060 xxxx[OK]

12-10-06, 18:09
hi sweety,

welcome to the forum,

all you need to do is look at the main page under what header you need to post under ie, symptoms etc and then you will see the new topic click that and then start. its as easy as that you will then get replies back from whatever it is that you are asking advice about.

you sound as thoughn you are having a pretty tough time, try not to be too hard on yourself, we are all here to help and we all suffer from similar things, this is an understanding site and we will not judge you or anything just say what you feel and im sure you will find it helps.

if you need to talk pm me at anytime

take care


12-10-06, 18:12

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

12-10-06, 18:23
Hi Sweetie,

A big warm welcome to you. Glad you've joined us.

Take Care


12-10-06, 18:24

Looks like you are doing fine at posting so far.

There is a post that may help here ....

How to Use this Message Forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2265)

This post may help you as well....

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Welcome aboard anyway and hope you get some great support here.

"People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel"


12-10-06, 19:41
Hi Sweetie !

A BIG Warm welcome to you ! Lovely to see you here !



12-10-06, 20:53
Hi sweetie lovely name!!! Welcome to NMP youll meet lots of nice people here!

12-10-06, 23:15
Hi sweety you will make lots of friends here and find helpfull advise.Your not alone we are all in the same situation and all know what your going through.;):);)

Ellen XX

13-10-06, 09:21
hiya sweetie,

welcome aboard


13-10-06, 10:55
Hello sweety,so glad you found the forum!You will get well now ,i did!As soon as you realise you are not alone with this it is such a relief!By the time you takeyour exams you will be flying,i am sure!Have you looked at tfirst steps on themain forum Hun?It's a good place to startTake care love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxx!

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

13-10-06, 15:03
hello sweety

welcome to the forum


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

14-10-06, 11:09
hi sweety nice to here from you, you arent alone, if you need to talk we are all here to listen to you x good luck

14-10-06, 23:56
Hi Sweetie,
Welcome to NMP.
Im more or less a newcomer here myself and everybody ere is so lovely and understanding. [^] Its great, ive picked up loads of tips and advice already. :D Im so glad youve clicked on, you wont look back. Take care. xxx

15-10-06, 10:02
Hi Sweetie

Welcome to the forum you are no longer alone chuck, you are among friends who will help and guide you as much as we can.

Take care

Elaine x