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View Full Version : DVT... PE...Colon Cancer... Does it ever stop?

19-07-13, 01:09
I've tried to be rational. Last month I was in a mess over abdominal pain. I had an ultrasound, CT. Tests came back Ok except for nabothian cysts on my cervix and positive h pylori. GI doctor says to go back if pain starts again. I notice pain once in awhile and I'm having constipation and diarrhea TMI. I wonder if I should ask for a colonoscopy?

This morning I woke up with some chest pain but that's gone away. I also had right calf pain when walking. Its only lasted this AM. My leg is not swollen or red. Doesnt feel warm. I am on my 2nd month of birth control pill. I am 36. I have had 6 cigarettes these past 2 months. Does this sound like a DVT/PE?

I dont know why symptoms keep coming up. I try to be positive. Ive been on wellbutrin for 2 months now and I thought I was getting better. But im not. I ferl hopeless. Will it ever end? Will I always be this way?

19-07-13, 02:25
Did you take the 3 different meds to get rid of the h. Pylori? That's how my anxiety started 5 years ago. I had stomach pain Nd ended up being that infection.
I also had and still do at times, a massive fear of clots.
I was told you would have swelling in the effected area, and it would hurt too walk. My dr made me press my foot against her palm and I didn't have bad pain so was just muscular. I still get the calf pain but seems I be before my period. So perhaps it's hormonal.
The change in stools could also be down too stress, so ibs. Maybe ask for a stool sample test before colonoscopy.