View Full Version : face spasms

19-07-13, 02:22
does your face ever spasms like muscle twitching or lip trying to sag?

Vita Bella
19-07-13, 13:13
Yes. I get spasms in my cheeks and above the corners of my lips. Then when it stops I get paranoid that my face is going numb. That's what sparks my fear of having a stroke. I've almost crashed my car checking my face in the rear-view mirror to make sure my face wasn't dropping.

19-07-13, 13:24
All all the time. Simple small muscle twitches and they can feel quite severe at times though barely noticeable to others.

19-07-13, 17:02
Do you ever watch your hydration to make sure you don't have kidney failure? I do, I watch the color of my pee and if it burns and if it does I freak out. It don't help that doctor oz said to watch your poop cuz your poop can tell you if somethings wrong.

19-07-13, 21:14
I get facial twitching too. A lot in my eye lids and cheeks. I'm not too worried about it, as anxiety causes it

19-07-13, 22:23
thank you

23-05-15, 15:58
Ive recently started getting it. My eyelid and corner of lip.. it feels like im going to have a stroke or something and then it just passes but leaves me waiting in anticipation for it to happen again.. its a horrible feeling.. i have anxiety and recently started taking fluoxetine for it.. Heres hoping it helps.. it also feels like im going to have a seizure but it never gets bad enough and then stops.. So its my anxiety that is the possible cause. Erm that makes sense. Thanks for reading and the original post. x