View Full Version : ruining my exams

12-10-06, 18:24
about a year ago i was diagnosed with OCD and it can be very stressful at times and upsetting but i've managed to live with it and cope with it just about.
I did my mock exams recently and at first i thought it was just nerves getting to the better of me, as i was sweating alot and shaking, but in each exam it got worse as i was having stomach upsets and my breathing was getting faster and harder to control. It got to the point where i was shaking so much i couldn't hold my pen and couldn't finish the exam. Also in the longest exam, as well as the shaking and sweating, my eyesight was getting wierd and i could feel myself beginning to faint, and i was in a huge hall full of students, so i had to run out and lie down before i fainted.
It was a horrible experience, and after talking to some people about it, they thought it sounded like i wa having panic attacks, i wasn't sure so i thought i'd post my problem here, to see what you think, because i need to get it sorted, i can't let it happen again for my real exams because i would hate that so much, and i can't let it get the better of me.
Any advice i would really appriciate :D

12-10-06, 19:11
This definately sounds like a panic attack - something i unfortunately experienced during my GCSE's and A levels [V]

I would reccomend speaking to your school and asking whether it would be possible to sit your exams in a seperate room away from other people. This was what I was allowed to do for my AS levels and found it very helpful. Also try and get hold of some "resuce remedy" this is a herbal remedy which calms you down but doesn't make you sleepy. You can buy it in a spray or a droplet bottle from most supermarkets and chemists. I found this a godsend during my stressful periods.

13-10-06, 13:50
I had terrible panic attacks during my mocks and the school let me take my actual GCSEs at home (I had become terribly panicky at school and had to do online lessons from home for practically the whole of my last year). Is taking your exams at home a possiblity- I think some local councils can set it up for you if your school isn't willing to. Of course it would be great to take your exams at school without any panic but I think you need to be at your most relaxed for exams or how can you possibly do your best?

Hope this helps. Lucy :)

14-10-06, 13:30

I agree with Sophie you need to speak to someone at school and explain the situation. Have you got a guidance teacher or pastrol teacher at school you could share your thoughts with. I am sure they would be very accommodating and allow you to sit your exams in a seperate room. It may also be possible to get extra time for your exams. The school can negotiate this with the examination board. Sitting your exams at home with an invigilator may also be possible. Firstly you need to find someone you can open up to and share your worries with. I find sharing my concerns helps so much.

I am sure once you take that first step and speak to a teacher or even a school counsellor everything will move forward and you will feel some of the anxiety lift.

Take care.


18-10-06, 02:37
i really feel for you, i get so worked up in exams too, have you tried taking kalms around exam time?? bach's rescue rememdies help too. if you manage to take slow deep breaths thats is good too, really hope this helps, good luck for your exams xxx