View Full Version : parkinsons or other neuro disease.help please

19-07-13, 03:09
HI all...I could reeeaaallly use some reassurance right now as I'm getting really worked up over this. I was sitting on my lounge the other day holding my iphone and all of a sudden my left arm and hand started tremoring/shaking. It would stop if I moved it around but start again as I gripped onto things. I noticed it once (I think) in my other hand aswell a few days later. My neckand shoulder feel a bit weak on that side and it seems to be making my left arm feel weak aswell. I saw my doctor who very quickly told me to hold my arms out and to hold something. She couldnt see any shaking and said not to worry about it, that it wasnt a sign of Parkinsons....so I felt good for a few days but constantly still very alert for any weakness/trembling. Then I searched on here for other posts with same symptoms and read a comment that said Parkinson/MS will come and go like that....so I am now in full blown panic. I also have been going to my chiropractor who said I definately show no signs off MS. My left arm and hand really do seem weak, especially when I grip onto something but I dont know if its coming from my neck or if its becuae of anxiety or if I'm just so on high alert focusing on it but I am convinced I have onset Parkinsons or MND or something and am not coping very well right now. I have had health anxiety a long time and in the last week have had worries of breast cancer, bone cancer, oral cancer, MS, Parkinsons, MND, ALS, dementia etc etc and it seems as soon as I let go of one worry another pops up, although this neuro worry is persistent. Should I trust what my doc said after such a quick check?? Does anyone else have shakiness or noticable tremors in their arms/hands like mine? I will add I'm 37 female and am also suffering the buzzing/nervous feeling throughout my body, lightheadedness, generalised anxiety, aches and pains etc. But I was feeling perfectly fine when this tremor started. I think I remember it happening briefly last year too if that helps. Please tell me I dont have a awful neuro disease....Sorry to rant and thanks for any replies...I am so tired of being scared. xx000

19-07-13, 08:27
I had that at about your age. I'm 52 now and it never became a named illness. Looking back, I think it was just anxiety. In France they gave me magnesium supplements - wouldn't harm to try that.

19-07-13, 11:22
Nothing you've said sounds like a neurological disease.

19-07-13, 12:22
Hi Rollergirl

I really sympathise with you - i have had this happening on a regular basis- for ages y dr said it was anxiety- but she has agreed to a nerve test- to see if i have a trapped nerve

have you heard of carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome (they are not mega-scary- just means one of your nerves might be getting a bit squeezed

funny- my left arm is mainly the one that feels funny- it is certain positions or ways i put weight on it that seems to cause shakiness- I hope and pray that means it is a nerve or muscle.

btw- i am on sertraline for anxiety. (although i was getting this prior to taking it)

Ccat xxx

19-07-13, 13:22
Thanks so much for your responses it helps to read that others have experienxes this too without it having being diagnosed as one of the 'big ones' we fear. Ccat I do hope it's just anxiety for me too like your doc suggested but I just can't imagine visually obvious hand tremors being an anxiety symptom. I am familiar with vibrating internal all over buzz feeling and a vast majority of all the other common anxiety symptoms but my doc wasn't concerned at all. What did you worry about or think it was when it started happening to you and do you have HA? Hope you are feeling better anyway x

19-07-13, 14:35
hello again rollergirl

I 've been having the same fears as you . Likewise- my dr not concerned. It is a frightening symptom to havr I think.

Yes I have got health anxitey.

C xxx