View Full Version : OCD or a rise in general anxiety?

19-07-13, 07:28
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question or if it should be in the panic forum, but I have Panic attacks and since having my breakdown have noticed a dramatic rise in my checking behavior. I've been put on medication (sertraline) for anxiety and depression, and while it seems to make the panic less, the checking seems worse.

I have to check the stove several times, unplug everything in the mornings (which makes me nearly late) and just now, even though I know that I turned off the iron at work, I dragged my little boy out of bed to go to the office to check and make sure it was off. It wasn't enough to see the building was still standing, I had to go in and feel the iron was cold and then had to go back and check that I'd locked the door twice.

I was about to go to bed and now feel like I can't and like I need to go back even though I checked it. I've had one appointment with a psychiatrist who told me it was just an increased anxiety response and not OCD, but with the medication shouldn't this be getting better not worse?

Just confused and can't relax now. Thanks for listening.

Regina x