View Full Version : scared of leukemia amongst other things

19-07-13, 08:56
I posted the other day about how I was having a tough time with health anxiety. Things are getting worse now im completely worrying about leukemia.

Ive two big bruises one on each leg, pretty much in the same place. My gums are hurting, under my ribs are hurting, im so tired I ache all over. I had blood tests 3 weeks ago which were fine and she said nothing will.have happened since then but im still scared :(

I also have.constant headaches, ear ache, toothache.and jaw ache (which gp didnt seem bothered about). Im on citalopram which im trying to give a.chance but im terrified im going to die :(

19-07-13, 11:22
I doubt you have a blood cancer. Nothing you say sounds very alarming, and your bloods are fine.

19-07-13, 14:52
Hi there, Im not sure how long you have been on the citalopram but I know when I tried it I had to go off because the body and joint aches were getting so bad I thought I was just going to crumble. I had to try something else. Cancer is my biggest fear. I am scare I am going to get it or my kids are going to get it. Its a horrible disease. I have been screened so many times and I do know that from all the info I got from what seems like a million different doctors that leukemia and lymphoma are detected in blood tests, when you have your CBC test done if they find the cancer it comes up as positive for "blasts". I know this because when my son had to go for tests they said that is how it will show up if there was anything. So I am sure your fine! But at the same time I completely understand.

20-07-13, 19:12
Ive been on it for just over a week, so probably not going to have kicked in yet. Im worried about every little ache and pain, its taking over my life. I also worry about my little girl, what would happen to her etc its.exhausting.

I stop worrying about one thing then it turns into something else, urgh :( Now its lung issues!

Simon Dorn
05-06-15, 22:21
Sorry to hear about everyone's anxiety, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I've been struggling with it for the past 3 years, got really bad at one point I wouldn't leave the house. My advice is if you are using medication only use it for a short time fix as it won't cure the problem but only cover it up and after you have had all your worries checked out by the doctor/hospital and it's all been cleared then challenge your anxiety, once it subsides realise that nothing bad actually happens. I know it is a what I can only describe as a vile feeling but it does go away and it won't last forever once you realise that and you are no longer "scared" of the anxiety you'll find that things will slowly start to get easier. You'll never 100% cure anxiety as we all have bad days (like today hence why I'm on here checking my symptoms) haha but it does get easier :) sorry to go on but I hope this helps :)