View Full Version : Can OCD morph/change over time?

19-07-13, 09:15
Hi all,
I just wonder if anyone else has found their OCD to change over time. For example, when I was young I was always terrfied of my Dad going out in the car in case he got killed in a car crash, I didn't like my Mum talking to men because to my mind they would try and rape her. At about 6, I had my first major panic attack and I was sure I was going to die. Roll on when I was about 14 I ad another, after that for 7 years every ache, grumble or missed beat was a major health concern. 2 years ago I thought about stabbing my fiancé (now husband) and have been plagued by violent thoughts ever since. In some sense, I wish my OCD would pick another topic to manifest on. Upsetting though OCD is, feeling like I'm going to lash out and kill everyone because of my brain is driving me nuts.

I'm sure the 'worsening' of it is because of the mini-pill as I also feel very frustrated and angry. I've now been off the pill 11 days and feel somewhat worse but I know it's a matter of time for this to sort itself out. Knives have now been put up out of the way as a precaution by my husband. Not on the grounds that I will act on my urges, but rather my hormones and my urges are probably a dangerous mix.

MrsS x

19-07-13, 09:39

The answer to this is most definitely. My OCD thoughts have changed over the years and like you, I started when I was young constantly obsessing about my parents dying and there has been other weird obsessions over the years. Now I have ROCD!

I have had some periods where I haven't had any thoughts and lived a relatively normal life but then bam, it hits you!

Keep your chin up


19-07-13, 09:43
Yes. I had the Dad in car crash one for decades. Then I moved on!

19-07-13, 09:55
HB12 don't I know all too well about it hitting us? I've had good days where I've thought "oh, yeah, I'm over those thoughts now" then it strikes! I can't wait for these damn synthetic hormones to be all sorted out. I'm sure it's made me worse!

I have had brief spells of ROCD myself, especially before the wedding. It took weeks of telling myself about all the great things hubby has done to get me to marry him!

MrsS x