View Full Version : Even more convinced now

19-07-13, 09:46
I get regular alerts from the police re neighbourhood watch stuff but today they sent through a health alert to watch out for vulnerable people in the hot weather. It's really frightened me as it said:

People with heart problems, breathing difficulties or serious illnesses may find their symptoms become worse in hot weather, so make sure you have enough medicines in stock and take extra care to keep cool.

My palpitations have got worse during this weather and I am so scared again now.

They are literally ruining my life. I cannot ignore them, they don't go away, they seem to be getting worse. I'm too young for all this. I have no obvious cardiac risk yet why am I still having this awful thing if there's nothing wrong with me.

I'm now getting sweating episodes, hot flushes, feel momentarily light headed with them. None if this can be normal. I can't even move at the moment without dripping with sweat.

19-07-13, 09:54
You and most of the country, remember. Make sure you drink water but also take salt in your food. If you are so anxious, ring your doctor. xxx

19-07-13, 11:01
I'm just so fed up. I feel like I'm suffocating in this heat. Every move makes me sweat.
I just went to sit down from standing and my heart went fast, then stopped and then started again slow.
I don't even know what's normal anymore!

19-07-13, 11:24
You're having panic attacks from fear over cardiac disease. You're not in an at risk group, but just stay out of the Sun if you can, it can make anyone feel lousy.

19-07-13, 11:38
Everything gives me these skips. Then I immediately start sweating. Touching the centre of my chest, twisting round causes them. This is not normal.

19-07-13, 11:58
I've had a normal ECG but not having symptoms at the time

19-07-13, 12:04
I just saw one of your replies where you said you had normal ecgs which didn't pick up your condition you have?

19-07-13, 12:15
Ah ok. I have has an echo which said everything was normal.

Just had yet another event. Go to bend over and back up and then a painful beat in the slight left of my chest. It's getting out of control.

---------- Post added at 12:15 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------

Oh and then I felt hot and sweaty agaib

19-07-13, 12:32
We all get palpitations etc from time to time but some of us don't even notice we get them - I am one of those people.

We are all melting in the heat too and I have sweat running down my face!

19-07-13, 12:34
I know I'm sounding like a broken record and I really appreciate everyone's advice.
It's just these painful twinges I get with the palpitations. No one ever seems to get painful heartbeats :(

19-07-13, 12:50
Do you mean no-one on here?

19-07-13, 13:11
Just no one you ever speak to and yes the majority of people on here don't seem to. Maybe one or two. I just want to know whether painful heartbeats are a worry and sign of something dangerous.

I have problems with my spine and having an X-ray next week and he's going to look if there's anything pressing onto my heart etc which might be causing symptoms. I'm scared stiff now :(

19-07-13, 13:43
I assume you have seen the palpitations forum and read the website page on the left.

Both may help.

Take some deep breaths and calm down. Things are getting looked at and so far nothing serious has been found so for now accept that these are part of you and you can live with them.

19-07-13, 13:47
Yes I've read them and I accept normal skipped beats, it's just that they've changed with these momentary pains and that's why I can't just let them go :(

19-07-13, 16:05
I've had painful skips. I don't know if it's the heart that hurts or if the thud triggers some nerve around it. If you're prone to ectopics atm, then positional changes such as bending down or lying in particular ways can bring them on. I asked a doc on healthtap if this was dangerous in a normal heart, and he said no.

19-07-13, 16:17
You see this is what I am thinking. Is it just a nerve that's being triggered with it. There was something on the chemical palms site but I just can't get onto it to look. I did have one once which sent a shooting pain across my chest both sides. If you could imagine someone had drawn a pencil line horizontally across my chest if that makes sense.

---------- Post added at 16:17 ---------- Previous post was at 16:17 ----------

Palps not palms!

19-07-13, 21:02
I get the painful skipped beats, sometimes I get really long runs of them where every thud hurts. My cardiologist said not to worry as all other tests came back ok.

19-07-13, 22:30
Did they give you any explanation as to what it is?