View Full Version : Anxiety - Speaking Slow

19-07-13, 10:03

When i'm anxious i speak fast, or my words come out mumbo-jumbo, or i hear my voice first before i know i've spoke (if that makes sense!)

Has anybody got any good information on how to slow...things...down when anxious?
When i'm in that anxious moment, i forget to talk slow and thats when it all goes to crap, and when i realise that's has happened, that makes me more anxious and stressed.

To speak as clearly and controlled as Derren Brown would be awesome! I know miracles can't happen overnight, but thats they type of calm persona i'd like to portray, even if i am actually anxious.

Has anybody got any advice? or any good youtube videos i can look at?

I have youtubed it but i always get vidoes about giving speeches.


19-07-13, 10:07
I do the same, didn't realise for years! I have to work very hard at consciously speaking with a tiny pause between sentences. My mind races and is so quick that other people can't keep up with it, sometimes!

19-07-13, 12:57
I speak fast too and also slow. I know what you mean about hearing your voice.

A bad habit of mine is talking too much, trying to remember what to say, which results in me sometimes not listening properly.

25-07-13, 19:53
Almost all things in life come with practise - try not to shy away from talking while alone and imagining the conversation for which you are preparing. Quite a noticeable portion of our concerns rise from our cognitive evaluation of the circumstances, the way we perceive the situation can cause anxiety attacks or even the loss of your voice. My suggestion would be for you to remember, that you certainly have some great things to tell about, and reallly, there is no need to rush. If your part in a conversation consists of decent sentences, you are able to listen without interruption and respond when it is appropriate, please - take all the time that you need. Once you begin noticing that people actually DO have patience, you will become more confident that there is no need to mumble things out fast :)