View Full Version : felt likeva dead wieght after Trazadone

19-07-13, 10:40
Quick one.been on trazadone for months now.But last night i took my 250mg as normal liquid form.in 10 min in bed i felt realy light headed and really heavy ..like i had a huge weightpushing my body down.almost couldnt move.i felt like i weighed a ton..anyone eles ever had this.??.and why

19-07-13, 21:04
I Don't take trazadone but saw your thread and just wanted to say hi :) Other than last night how are you doing?
I have felt those symptoms before when really tired so maybe it was just that rather than trazadone related?

19-07-13, 21:24
Hi Annie.im doing alright thanks.been possitive for a while now.still sleeping well.getting through each day as they come and not dwelling on the past to much.think im getting used to my current situation and getting by.still looking forward to getting a life tho..how you been keeping

19-07-13, 21:27
I am a lot better thanks Greg. Feeling happier and coping with life :) Feeling the fear and doing it anyway has worked for me :)
I am pleased that you are more positive now.

20-07-13, 09:09
Thats realy good to hear annie realy good.well lets stay possitive and fight the fear for many days to come..:hugs:

20-07-13, 17:37
How are you feeling today Greg?

20-07-13, 20:24
Hi Annie.im out camping againg this weekend and have my girl Sara with me.having a lovely time thanks.feel a bit anxiuos today but not enough to spoil my day..

20-07-13, 20:44
I am pleased that you are having a good weekend with Sara and keeping control of the anxiety :)