View Full Version : changing time of dose doseof venlafaxine

19-07-13, 10:54

I'm thinking of changing my time of dose from 11.30am to 19.00pm(7)
I take venlafaxine tablets and changing to capsule so it will be time/and capsule

As anybody gone about 32 hours before there next dose???? As this is how long it will be without venlafaxine.
And did you have any SE in doing so?

Be honest please,

19-07-13, 12:11
Why don't you do it gradually Clio...perhaps taking it an hour or so later until you reach your 7pm target?

I have forgotten to take my dose a couple of times and did have some side effects, nothing major but I definitely noticed I felt different, a little shaky, headache, and palps....

Good luck with it hun xx :hugs:

19-07-13, 14:04
Thanks kittikat,

I'd remembered that you forgot to take yours,that's what got me thinking and mind working overtime!!!

Well it's 2pm now and all is well fingers x I'm not speaking to soon. So if I start to feel anxious etc I will then take the capsule.

Thanks hope your still doing well. Xx