View Full Version : just want to talk to some one

19-07-13, 11:28
hi dont know really ware to start as i have sufferd with gad now for 8yrs and im anxiouse everyday all day but the last few days it has been really bad and yesterday i just wanted to talk to somebody because of the way i feeling but i dont get any suport from my familyas i have a daughter and a sister and son who lives with me and i tried to to talk to them because i was upset and scared of how i was feeling but all my sister done was shake her headand my daughter said thatshe is sick of hearing about my anxietyas thats all i ever do is go on about it , iknow they dont understand but i tried to tell them that all i want is just some one to talk to about how i feel and abit of reasurance that ill be ok. but now i feel that i have to lock myself away in my room and not tell any one how im feeling just try and deal with on my own and not tell any one i feel anxiouse and ive had cbt twice which helped abit i have never took meds i am too petrified to takethem i wont even take a viamin, i do have some good days ware i can cope with it but when its really bad thats it i let itake over me and i just want to stay in my bedroom. i am now starting to think that they are right that i shouldnt keep talking about my anxiety and ask for reasurance all he time and that i am not helping myself and im just looking for sympathy all the time sorry for long postbut i just dont dont have any one to talk to for advice to help me get beeter thk u

19-07-13, 13:35

I know how you feel. I am always on at my partner for reassurance and he gets sick to death of it. I don't agree, however, with your family just shaking their heads at you when you try to explain about your anxieties. Anxiety is debilitating for the sufferer and it can be a real scary thing to deal with alone. They should be there for you and helping you to cope. You did the right thing in starting a thread and I know you will get massive support here on the forum.

19-07-13, 13:37
Hi Tricia

If I'm around - will gladly chat with you. :) You are not alone...


19-07-13, 13:50
I think in some ways seeking reassurance can prolong anxiety. Sometimes I find its better to just let it be, although acceptance is very difficult.

If you have trouble taking vitamins, then your meds phobia must be very severe. I'm sure a good CBT therapist who specialises in phobias would be able to help you overcome that. Then you'll at least be able to get some relief from your anxiety.

19-07-13, 13:55
Give the No Panic hepline a ring if you need to talk
The helpline number is at the top of the Welcome page and is mainly manned by fellow anxiety sufferers who will understand your worries and will not judge you. They are there because they want to help.