View Full Version : white patch on tonsil

19-07-13, 13:42
Hello, for the last 3 weeks or so I have had a feeling of something stuck in my throat and have had a lot of white/clear mucus in throat. I have been seen at walkin centre and also by my GP, they just prescribed nasal spray. I have also noticed a white patch on one of my tonsils and my throat looks inflammed. I did ask my Gp but she just said that it wasnt tonsilitis.
I have been googling and now I have convinced myself its throat cancer

19-07-13, 13:56
Is it a tonsel stone? I get them sometimes and they are vile!

19-07-13, 14:02
It looks just like a white patch rather than a stone.

19-07-13, 14:08
Nope it's tonsilitis.:)

Granny Primark
19-07-13, 14:09
Ive suffered with tonsilitus all my life. Normally about this time of year. I once had quinzes. Ive always been prescribed antibiotics. However there is a spray that you can get from the chemist that numbs your throat. I cant remember what its called, it quite expensive but it really does take the soreness off. Also try get some some soluble aspirin and gargle with it it. The particles of aspirin stick to your throat and numb your tonsils.

19-07-13, 17:47
As far as I'm aware the white bit is a cluster of white blood cells fighting something off. I sometimes get it if I am fighting off a cold. The tonsils are a major player in fighting infection, that's why illnesses so often start with a sore throat.

19-07-13, 21:11
I had tonsillitis earlier this year and it was very much like you are describing. Like Lynn said gargling with aspirin helps as did gargling with salt water.

20-07-13, 02:38
I have a sore throat now had it past 2 days. Not to bad during the day but first thing in the morning and at night its bloody sore cant see any white on them tho.

20-07-13, 12:28
My Mum used to call them 'follicles' - not sure how technical that is, but she trained as a nurse in the 1940s and thought they were perfectly normal. If a sore throat gets really bad then it's a good idea to see a doctor because it can need antibiotics. But it usually responds well. Tonsillitis can be bacterial or viral, and of course viruses don't respond to antibees.

21-07-13, 13:29
Thanks for all your replys. Throat isnt sore and its just a white patch on my left tonsil. GP didnt seem concerned but if still there in a few weeks I will go back.