View Full Version : One more thread about thoughts.

19-07-13, 14:20
Sometimes i have thoughts that one would describe as insane or delusional. Thinking that everybody lies, that the world is not real, that tv and music brainwash people, that all the smaller and bigger issues of our daily life are there just to draw our attention from something else, that there is conspiracy everywhere. This whole thing started when i felt "unreal" for the first time (derealisation ect), i was trying to understand why i felt this way and my mind started building science-fiction plots. :huh: When i'm relatively calm, i can see how these thoughts are irrational, even though they are SO irrational that finding a proof for their irrationality is difficult. :wacko: I have to find equally complicated and strange proofs. I have told my doctor, who said that these thoughts are only caused by anxiety and i'm not psychotic or something, and that there is no possibility of going insane. However, i keep making this kind of thoughts. They make me super-anxious and cause a feeling of guilt, but when i feel like that i am also unable to stop them. I think "but, what if they are true?", "what makes something irrational?". A part of myself actually worries if they are true, while another accuses me of being mad. I end up very very very afraid that i will actually believe my thoughts. :weep:
Anyway, I'm sorry for whining... Has anybody experienced something like that? :shrug:

19-07-13, 18:41
Something like it before, yes. I've spent years sure my dog was a human in a previous life and he must understand me (the dog actually looks at me like I'm insane!), I've mentioned this before and again, I was told I was just developing an over-attachment due to my anxiety. I also went through a phase where I thought the world was like Big Brother and everything we did was being watched, assessed and monitored. Now, to a degree that is true, but it was at the point I thought we all had some sort of cordless ECG type system, watching every heartbeat and every breath. I guess science fiction films like The Island didn't really help me back then as I thought I too was a clone. At the moment, I'm questioning why and how I can have Harm OCD yet something in my logic stops me harming someone, all the while I have no desire to stop an impulse to say..do some cleaning! Anxiety is weird!

MrsS x

19-07-13, 18:55
Anxiety is weird!

MrsS x

You can say that again !!!!:yahoo:

19-07-13, 21:30
Oh, thank you very much i feel better now :hugs:
And yes, indeed anxiety is weird :shrug:

23-03-14, 17:01

You are most certainly not the only one that thinks like that, try not to get anxious about it and just remain calm, the most important attribute one can have is faith and trust, trust yourself and be confident! Many people think like that so just know it's totally irrational and untrue.

Hope you get better.