View Full Version : Any advice plz

19-07-13, 17:16
Hi I'm Aisha, I'm 23 and I've only recently been suffering from anxiety, I've been to the doctors and been prescribed diazapam to help with my panic attacks but I can't stop my constant worrying and nervousness every day. My anxiety and worries are usually associated with my boyfriend, I feel very dependant on him and need to know where he is and when he is coming home and wht time all the time. I panic when my phone has no signal to be able to contact him and worry if his goes to voicemail - this usually triggers my panic attacks. I feel so stupid how I am reacting and I've never had this before in my previous relationship- I just feel totally lost and insecure - he doesn't really understand how I am feeling and gets angry and frustrated with me, which tends to make me alot worse.
Ive got tothe point where I'm not working because I'm worried all the time about not being able to contact him, and I'm just constantly worried and anxious all the time I'm finding it hard to go anywhere but my home and my mums.
I haven't been back to the doctors again as I'm worried people will think I'm mad but I just feel like I'm loosing control and don't have anyone who I can talk to who really knows how I'm feeling. My mum and bf just think I'm being stupid and can just stop but I can't.

I would really appreciate some advice or just a friendly ear

19-07-13, 17:53
Hi you've come to the best place. Lots of people on here are exactly like you. I too have awful anxiety I panic if I can't find my phone or if its not fully charged. I hate it if my husband is not working locally as I get all panicky and feel like if something goes wrong I need him near. I was given diazapan, I found it helps but I know the doctors don't like giving you too much as some people become addicted but it does take the edge off the anxiety. It's hard for people around us to understand how horrible anxiety is, sometimes I just want to stay in bed, but I know that's not the answer so I try to keep occupied even if its baking or doing something I enjoy. Do you have friends who you could go out with?

19-07-13, 18:00
Hi you've come to the best place. Lots of people on here are exactly like you. I too have awful anxiety I panic if I can't find my phone or if its not fully charged. I hate it if my husband is not working locally as I get all panicky and feel like if something goes wrong I need him near. I was given diazapan, I found it helps but I know the doctors don't like giving you too much as some people become addicted but it does take the edge off the anxiety. It's hard for people around us to understand how horrible anxiety is, sometimes I just want to stay in bed, but I know that's not the answer so I try to keep occupied even if its baking or doing something I enjoy. Do you have friends who you could go out with?

I feel exactly the same, I worry all the time about where he is and he doesn't like talking about it because he is so under pressure and stressed from running his business and making sure everyone is on site etc. and he says I just add to his stress but I can't help it.
I find it very difficult to see my friends for long periods of time as I'm always so worried and can't help but just want to call him or rush seeing them so I can call him again. It's driving me mad and I just feel totally hopeless.

I'm at home at the minute, I've called him three times in the last hour I jut want to know where he is and when he is coming bk but he just gets angry and hangs up which just makes me feel worse and I don't no what to do x

20-07-13, 00:42
Hi Aisha,

Something similar happened to me in one of my past relationships and it really sent me up the walls and the doctor prescribed me diazepam for a short period.

I think you should go to the doctors - you're not going mad - and I think you need to sit down with your boyfriend and mother and tell him how much you love your b/f but you're having serious anxiety problems and ask him to help you work through them with you. Better if you get the diagnosis from a doctor first to back you up; it will make them listen more cloesly.


20-07-13, 10:41
Hi Dave
Thank you for the advice it puts my mind at ease to know I'm not just a crazy psyco gf lol, I've tried talking about it with him and he just doesn't seem to understand why I can't just stop. He tries to be supportive when he isn't at work but when he is when I get the panic attacks he gets extremely frustrated.
I think I will go to the doctor as I've been taking diazepam alot and I don't really want to as I no they can become addictive and I'd rather try and solve it through talking about the problem not medication.
Aisha x

---------- Post added at 10:41 ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 ----------

Dave did you find the diazepam worked? Or did you have any other ways of dealing with it ? I just find that they work for a short period of time then I'm finding I need to take another to help