View Full Version : cardiophobia newbie

19-07-13, 18:36
I have been a long time viewer of this site and various threads and have appreciated the support among members, but thought it was about time to share my story/concerns.

Most of my anxiety focuses around my heart. My father had a heart attack when I was a young child and he was only 37. He has had subsequent heart attacks and bypass surgery. I started having panic attacks in adolescence, and at various times have taken medication in adulthood to deal with it (celexa). However, beginning this past January, the symptoms seemed different and more cardiac in nature. I have been to my primary care dr (a very thoughtful listener) and have been to the ER twice in past months. While the chest pressure and tightness is not really new to me, I have been having more trouble with transient arm numbness, quick shooting pains in my wrists and hands, and more shortness of breath that I do notice more when I exert myself. I don't have as many full blown panic attack and when I do feel these symptoms the .5 mg Ativan I sometimes take has not effect. In the past week, I have begun to have quick stabbing pains in my teeth and even tongue.

I had an echo about a year ago and in the past 2 months I have had a stress treadmill test. Lots of EKGs. Everything returned clear and, of course, ER bloodwork was fine.

I am just afraid that these new and increasingly persistent symptoms are heart-related and I am being dismissed because of my history of panic/anxiety. I do have an appt in 2 weeks with a cardiologist. I am just wondering if anyone can offer me any reassurance or similar experience with these symptoms, particularly the teeth pain. It's not aching, but more stabbing in nature and I don't think it's TMJ as my jaw does not hurt really, and feeling an increase in symptoms upon exertion.

Thank you for any help you can offer.

20-07-13, 17:30
Anxiety can cause all sorts of aches and pains because when we are anxious we tend to tense up more muscles. I would be reassured from the tests that you have had and I am sure that when you see the cardiologist he will be able to reassure you more.

22-07-13, 16:36
Thanks, Annie0904. There are moments I can feel reassured by tests, but then the panic/anxiety sets in. It is incredible the amount of ribcage, sternum, shoulder blade chronic tension and tightness this can cause!