View Full Version : Numb face, lip, jaw, chin, one side

Ruby red
19-07-13, 20:00
Hi this is my first post, I have been led to this site many times when browsing symptoms through google (I know I shouldn't)

My current problem is numbness of the face, hard to describe but lower lip and around jaw chin area. Also have pain in my neck shoulder and collar bone. The pain and numbness isn't constant it seems to come and go and has been like this for about 2 months. I have been to doctors numerous times and dentist too and they told me its all anxiety. I eventually had bloods done and all came back normal. Doctor told me its likely nerve related but I can't stop thinking it has to be something far worse, especially when I look up symptoms on Internet.

I am just wondering if anyone else has had or does have this? I feel like I can't get on with my life as I'm always worried about it. It is really getting me down :(

19-07-13, 21:08
Hello, sorry to hear about what you're going through.

In April I had symptoms like that, it was a pins and needles feeling in my face and jaw area. But when I think about it, I was very stressed. It was so scary I rushed myself to the doctors, and he said anxiety. I have brain tumour anxiety so this really scares me, it hasn't happened since that day but of course I'm nervous of it returning.

Try to do something that keeps your mind off the feeling, usually thinking about it brings it on.

Take care xx

19-07-13, 21:30
Hello, sorry to hear about what you're going through.

In April I had symptoms like that, it was a pins and needles feeling in my face and jaw area. But when I think about it, I was very stressed. It was so scary I rushed myself to the doctors, and he said anxiety. I have brain tumour anxiety so this really scares me, it hasn't happened since that day but of course I'm nervous of it returning.

Try to do something that keeps your mind off the feeling, usually thinking about it brings it on.

Take care xx

i have that same anxiety

Ruby red
19-07-13, 22:07
Hi, thank you for your reply, it's really reassuring to know I'm not alone in having this type of anxiety x

19-07-13, 22:21
if your unsure here is a list of my problems
seeing eye floaters (cobweb)

feeling like i have IBS

left arm going numb and palm of hand burning
left arm hurts on and off

headaches up to pain lvl 8

rash like shingles or something

panic attacks

anxiety attacks

stomach cramps

burning pee

split stream (in pee)

yellowing of pee


ringing in ears

hearing lost now and then

since of in impending doom

face aches

stiff back

sweating a lot more then normal

bumps on my chest and around my nipple

since of impending doom

sharp shooting pains in my head

stiff neck


tired all of the time

chest pains


acid reflux

sweating but my body temp will still be cold

20-07-13, 11:12
Hi Ruby,

I get a funny feeling from time to time on the left side of my face, not exactly numbness or pins and needles but something I can't really describe. Sometimes it extends down my neck and further. It freaked me out at first, I thought I was having a stroke or something (though as I understand it, strokes are instant, they don't happen slowly over days or weeks) and then I thought MS or Parkinsons or other form of neurological disease (I have HA, obviously) I began to notice it only ever happened when I had been sitting in the car for a long time or sitting at one eld of the sofa in a particular position, so obviously a nerve is being pressed on or something when I do it.

A few years ago when I didn't have HA, I would have logically thought that it was just a bit of nerve compression and not thought any more about it. I think because I have HA, I am definitely more "tuned in" to what is happening in my body. Of course if you lean on one side for ages you may get pins and needles or a funny feeling and most people accept this as a normal event and don't think anythng more about it but HA makes you think it is a sign of something worse. Recently I have been looking at how my little fingers tremble a bit when I hold my hands out and wondering if it might be a sign of something dreadful but to be honest, I don't know if this is a new thing or they have always done that. I also know it can be absolutely normal for hands/ fingers to shake a bit if you hold them out, yet I still wonder. Sometimes I think my left side is weaker than my right and ponder on that being a symptom of some undiscovered disease yet I am right handed and logic tells me that holding something heavy with my left hand, especially when I am not used to doing so, would naturally feel less comfortable than doing it with my right.

You have seen both a doc and a dentist and they are not concerned so please try and take what they say and don't worry xx

20-07-13, 11:54

I get this sometimes. At one point it was constant. I finally found 'trigeminal nerve' on Google but my dentist didn't really say anything when I asked him. However at some point I ended up in A&E and the doctor there nodded and said "Absolutely, it is a nerve which will affect all these areas."

So it could be that. Tension, teeth-grinding, all these things will contribute.

One of the best things I find is to consciously stop and lower my shoulders frequently during the day, until it becomes a habit to do so. It is amazing how high and tense they are.

20-07-13, 15:16
i have that same anxiety

It's horrible isn't it?!!

If you need anyone to talk to regarding your symptoms don't be afraid to message me! I like knowing that I'm not the only one with these symptoms. Makes me feel better

20-07-13, 16:09
It's horrible isn't it?!!

If you need anyone to talk to regarding your symptoms don't be afraid to message me! I like knowing that I'm not the only one with these symptoms. Makes me feel better

Sure, same here :yesyes: I know i can't do this by myself

Ruby red
20-07-13, 19:00
Thank you everyone for your replies it really does help knowing I'm not alone with this.. I can spend entire days self assessing my long list of symptoms and trying to sleep at night convinced I have some awful disease! I wish I could just 'snap out of it' and get on with enjoying my life! I do think I have a tendency to grind my teeth in my sleep when anxious I also sometimes clench my fists without realising and have to make a conscious effort to stop doing it.. So I suppose this could all contribute to this. I find it hard to talk to my partner about these feelings as he does have real medical problems and I don't want to bother him with my imagined ones so thank you all for supportive messages, I'm so glad I posted and feel very much reassured :) x

07-07-16, 23:56
I am having this same thing. I am always afraid of every single health symptom. I assume I am dying. I feel so wonderful to have found this group. Do any of you still experience this?

27-11-17, 01:48
Hey there. I know this is a very old thread but im experiencing the same symptoms and I was wondering if anyone has any more info or developments since this post? I even have the eye floaters that are mentioned.