View Full Version : So that's it then no more hope

19-07-13, 20:15
I was referred to my local mental health team about 12 months ago, I had an assessment and told to wait for an appointment , I finally had one and saw the psychiatrist, they gave me my 2nd but unfortunately my little boy had a sickness bug and I couldn't attend, the lady was really funny and told me it wasn't good enough and had to go back on the waiting list, I've been so down and really couldn't be bothered to chase it , I've returned home from work to find a letter saying because I have missed my appointment I've been dishcharged! I didnt even have one sent , I have no fight left in me so that really is it I'm doomed to suffer this forever :(

19-07-13, 20:48
I'm sorry this has happened. It shouldn't be this way, but you do need to chase them. You let them know you couldn't attend the appointment. There is hope, you just need to call or write and they should offer you a new appointment. They really are rubbish. They used to send me letters and by the time the letter arrived the appointment date had passed! But every time I called and explained they sorted me a new appointment.

Do you have anyone who can call for you? I used to call on my ex-husband's behalf (during the marriage) to sort out this kind of thing all the time, as he had this problem too.

It shouldn't be this hard, but if you make that call you can get the appointment you need.

19-07-13, 22:54
That's awful. Your son being ill is hardly your fault or something you could predict!

Could your GP contact them if they are unwilling to help you when you phone them?

19-07-13, 23:36
You've taken the time to write here so you sensibly should chase it up if you feel strongly about it. I had my letter for my first app the other day and it says all stuff like if you don't attend x session you're discharged blah di blah. But the demand is so high for these I suppose they've got to weed out the time wasters. That's not saying you are one, just looking at it from their pov. You should really have a word with someone else though if you had a genuine reason.

20-07-13, 19:31
rebecca, you might want to let your GP fight this one on your behalf - give them a call and explain what happened and that you want to be referred back there. You probably won't even need to see your GP, just call them.