View Full Version : Gurgling in chest, heard it when using a stethoscope

19-07-13, 20:35
I dunno what it was, but when i was trying to hear my heart with a stethoscope, i swear i heard a gurgling sound, one of those loud ones the stomach usually makes when its hungry (i just ate when this happened though), i dunno if it was the stethoscope pressing down or what, but i did feel some gas in my throat after this...but i can't tell. My heart is beating normally though, just a little fast due to anxiety. Its a fast lub dub.

19-07-13, 21:33
My advice is not to bother, there are numerous heart sounds depending on where the stethoscope is placed at specific parts of the chest to hear different aspects of the cardiac cycle. I wouldn't recommend someone untrained to begin getting into this habit. What you would have heard is the blood in the major vessels of the heart.

19-07-13, 21:58
My advice is not to bother, there are numerous heart sounds depending on where the stethoscope is placed at specific parts of the chest to hear different aspects of the cardiac cycle. I wouldn't recommend someone untrained to begin getting into this habit. What you would have heard is the blood in the major vessels of the heart.

Or it was me moving my stethoscope in a weird way, or gas coming up through the chest.

My heart has never made such a noise before and never did when i made sure the scope was on it firmly.

19-07-13, 22:12
Can I ask why you have a stethoscope?

19-07-13, 22:35
Can I ask why you have a stethoscope?

So i can hear my heart better, and my heart sounds healthy too.

19-07-13, 23:08
But if you are not trained to use it ......

19-07-13, 23:32
Are you trained to interpret it??? I remember saving one of those heartbeat monitors to listen to the baby when I was pregnant and we could never work out what was the heart and what was the placenta and then there were just wind noises. Rally leave it to the professionals

20-07-13, 10:52
I'm just going to say again, stop using a stethoscope unless you have been trained in proper use and know what you're supposed to be looking for. We have to have detailed knowledge and training for this one instrument alone and interpretation of sounds, and it is not worth using one without that. There's a lot more to heart and lung sounds than listening for a regular 'lub-dub' sound - it depends which part of the heart or blood vessels you're listening to for one.

20-07-13, 22:51
Oh dear.

In my opinion, all of these, do it yourself test kits, and any of the medical equipment that is now on the market, should be stopped the sooner the better!!!

The only people who are qualified to carry out such tests and use such equipment are doctors and nurses.

We are not going to understand any of it, we can't interpret the results and we can't even carry out the tests or exams properly because we don't know what we're doing!!

The results from these tests or equipment are not full proof, we may have done them wrong. Also when our doctors are trying to diagnose they look at the whole picture, rarely can they diagnose something by doing one thing, unless it's something that sticks out like a sore thumb!!

Only a doctor will know what sounds your heart is meant to make for the reasons that Joel has already told us, how would you possibly know what sound is right and what is wrong???? It will depend on so many things that you would just have to be a doctor to know how to interpret them.

I feel like I want to scream from the roof tops

1) Stay away from Dr Google!!

2) Stay away from any of the tests or equipment you can now get hold of!!

In this country we have an NHS, we all have access to doctors/nurses/midwives/consultants and the rest of the vast amount of medical staff available to us :)


If you are worried, if you don't feel well, if you have a pain/lump/bump or anything else GO SEE OR SPEAK TO A DOCTOR!!

My best advice for you would be to donate your stethoscope to a hospital or a hospice or something like that, they will be able to make use out of it and it will get that temptation out of your way :)

I hope I haven't come over as rude because that's not my intention at all, it just really concerns me that this stuff is available to Joe Public, it's a bad idea and there's no need for any of it, it just causes fear and panic which is usually totally unfounded :)