View Full Version : X-ray results waiting

19-07-13, 21:19
well my mind can't win either way. X-ray from last Friday still isn't back yet. my mind is saying: 1) nothing urgent hence results aren't back 2) something serious going on and it's being analysed by cancer specialists or something!! don't ask about my GP appointment today..... lol

19-07-13, 22:14
so what did the doc say then?

I had blood tests (at the hospital) on 4th July - results still not back from hospital to my GP apparently

21-07-13, 01:26
Oh Darren please do let us know what your doctor said, we've all been following your thread and you've left us dangling :winks:

As Nic has said, results do sometimes take some time, just before Christmas, I had a few tests done and I didn't get all my results for a couple of months as my consultant wanted to wait for all of the results so that he could tell me in one appointment to save me from having to keep going back :)

Don't fill your head up with scary thoughts Darren, just wait until you see your doctor for the results, only then will you know what's happening :)

I'd love to know how you got on with your doctor though please.

21-07-13, 09:58
sorry guys I will reply when I get to a computer later or tomorrow morning. can't type on this phone also feel shit :-(