View Full Version : Bad night- please may I have some support?

19-07-13, 21:42
Me and my partner split up tonight. Plus tomorrow there will be an EDL protest in Birmingham City Centre, where I work. I've heard there will be over 1,000 protesters, and I have to make my way through town to get into work. Just sad and panicking right now :(

Hayley xx

19-07-13, 21:59
Hayley I don't know if there is anything I can say to help you re the split but I just want to send some hugs your way :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Do you work in a shop? I would check with your manager about the protest as they may want to close it while the protest is on.

19-07-13, 22:16
Bless you - sorry to hear that always traumatic regardless of why - hang on in there it gets better :hugs:
Cris :)

19-07-13, 22:46
Time heals, I know it's not saying much right now, but one day soon you will feel a lot better. My heart goes out to you. The protests sound annoying, I suppose if worst came to worst you could use it as a valid excuse to not go to work that day if it's that bad? Or like Annie0904 says above, check with your manager.

19-07-13, 23:31
Hi Hayley, really sorry to hear about the split and I know how much it hurts. It will go away and when you meet someone else you'll wonder why you ever felt hurt about your last partner.

As for the protests; I'd seriously consider calling in sick - after all you might very well be too sick to confront all that.

Hope everything works out soon. x

20-07-13, 20:50
Hey guys, so I went to work and did the 8 and a half hour shift. It was horrendous. I had a couple of panic attacks, cried for most of the day and was just so so scared. It was awful xx

20-07-13, 21:41
So sorry to hear about your split, not sure what to say but well done for getting through your shift, that must of been tough considering. Hope things pick up soon x