View Full Version : Other anxieties causing health anxiety?

13-10-06, 08:42
Hi there,

does anyone else find that if they are stressed/anxious about what i call 'normal' things i.e. money, probs with kids, interviews etc then instead of worrying about them you concentrate on your health anxiety.
Today i am driving some where new to meet a friend and i HATE driving with a passion, but i make myself do it. So instead of being axious about that i turn to my health and go off on a checking/worrying frenzy!!! To the point i end up getting behind, struggle to get out of the door & stress myself so much i could burst. I usually end up getting somewhere late, all red faced, almost in tears and usually full of dread that i've found something and i'm about to pop my clogs[:I]
I hate being like this:(

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest,
anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

13-10-06, 09:15
Hi Vicki,

Oh aye I think we get to the stage we don't know what's normal and what's not. I hope you have a lovely day out with your friend.

Take Care


13-10-06, 09:22
hi anx, what is weird is i am the exact opposite. When i have lots of stressful things going on in my life, it seems to give me a bit of a break from the health anxiety, its like i can only worry about so many things at once. My health anxiety definitely gets worse the better everything is going in my life, which means that i don't like to look forward to good things, because i know that it will only end up with a huge HA episode [V]

aren't we strange? [^]


13-10-06, 09:35
I'm a bit like strawberrie. If I am worrying about something else then I don't tend to worry about health issues. I can only handle one major worry at a time. I am back on a health thing at the moment.

13-10-06, 11:35
I'm with you on this one anxious!

My son had a school trip yesterday, he's only 5 and they were going to the zoo (90 kids!). I was very worried about him going, about the coach crashing, him getting lost and upset (I have a very active imagination). However this was kind of at the back of my mind and instead I was stressing about bowel activity (again), looking for breast lumps, panicking about palpitations ....

I didn't realise the connection until I sorted out my worrying (I ended up going on the school trip to help!), then found everything else was clearer in my mind.

It seems with me that the slightest bit of stress, that I used to be able to deal with, now drives me to obsession about my health.

I've done my best to reduce the stress in my life, but even everyday normal activities get me anxious at the moment, then obsessing about health issues, which get me more anxious .....

13-10-06, 15:23
Im in agreement with Mandy,I think we dont know whats normal and whats not anymore.Have a good day with your friend,just try a think positive,easier said than done I know.You are lucky person being able to drive and get out you should be proud of yourself for just doing that.;):);)

Ellen XX