View Full Version : Going through awful brain tumour fear

19-07-13, 23:14
I am driving myself crazy at the moment. I am sure I have a brain tumour.

I know I'm anxious, I don't deny that at all. My anxiety started in 2006 and I had a pretty rough couple of years with it. Mainly focused on heart but I did have a spell of brain tumour fear too. I've had a few good years with the anxiety, I've had a lot going on and I guess other things to keep my mind occupied but I think now I'm stuck in a rut my mind has started wandering again but my symptoms are very real.

I'm always so tired
I get pain/odd sensations down my right side, my face/mouth, arm, hand and leg. Sometimes it feels numb but it isn't. My right hand feels stiff/clumsy/slow
Increased floaters
Brain fog
Forgetting, Stumbling and stuttering over words - I find myself having conversations in my head to see if I forget words. My tongue often feels too big for my mouth. Like its working too slowly and I'm very aware of it if that makes sense
Mental blocks
Short term forgetfulness - if someone tells me to do something I often forget within seconds of being told. Or if I think about what I did earlier or yesterday it seems like it happened a lifetime ago
And the one that scares me the most, google says (I know, I know, bad me!) that its a sure sign - occasionally smell a chimney burning smell, only for a second and next time I sniff its gone

I need to see a dr, but I'm scared. To me all these seem like a sure brain tumour sign. I'm scared of reeling off these symptoms and see the look of worry on her face.

I recently had bloods done for the tiredness and all was ok.

5 years ago I had a full neuro exam and MRI and it was fine but anything can change in that time.

Im now seeing a physio for a possible neck problem. He believes I have a trapped nerve in the right of my neck and some muscle tension. Physio carried out a neuro exam of my upper body which was fine.

I'm a chronic teeth clencher. I clench constantly. I stop myself when I realise but no sooner have I stopped than I'm clenching again.

I'm 28 and a single mum to an almost 2 year old. I'm terrified I'm going to die and leave him. I also work 4 days a week, I don't have much time to relax, he doesn't really sleep great and I'm just worn out with it all.

19-07-13, 23:21
I am going to be honest and say that I don't think they are brain tumour symptoms but are definitely anxiety ones.

19-07-13, 23:22
if your unsure here is a list of my problems
seeing eye floaters (cobweb)

feeling like i have IBS

left arm going numb and palm of hand burning
left arm hurts on and off

headaches up to pain lvl 8

rash like shingles or something

panic attacks

anxiety attacks

stomach cramps

burning pee

split stream (in pee)

yellowing of pee


ringing in ears

hearing lost now and then

since of in impending doom

face aches

stiff back

sweating a lot more then normal

bumps on my chest and around my nipple

since of impending doom

sharp shooting pains in my head

stiff neck


tired all of the time

chest pains

face spasms and sagging lips
and tripping over words


acid reflux

sweating but my body temp will still be cold

i thought this 2 and i worry about everyday but i have had to ct scans done and everthin came back normal

20-07-13, 03:42
Hey there,

I'm new to this site, I'm very satisfied this exists because it makes me feel supported.

The reason I'm replying to your post is because I went through the same thigns as you prob worse. The pains your describing are common in anxiety. You've most likely heard that too often. When I was young my mom and doctor would drive me nuts! I had constant text book heart pains and symptoms, I would spend so much time checking my pulse with my finger glued to my neck. I use to say jesus... whats wrong with these idiots! I'm going to die and these dummies are going to be responsible due to there utter neglect towards my symptoms.

Having said all of that, dont get me wrong, never disregard the symptoms you feel. Go consult a doctor and STOP self diagnosing yourself online. Keep calm, our minds are alike, they're like a bag neighborhood, you dont wanna go there alone lol. Keep good company take your mind off things, relax, book a app with your doctor despite how lazy or scared you may be. Have you ever checked to see if you suffer from ocd or ptsd? they could be key players in your life.

Best tips I can give you is stay away from cigarettes, coffee, and junk food. Eat organic, eat often and the best anxiety and pain reverser is exercise, do that, please watch food matters it's available on netflix. Try it , get very active and eat green. I lost 30 pounds, I feel light on my feet and the majority of my scary symptoms VANISHED. I hope this helped you, your mind is a dangerous place man stay calm, if things get too scary or bad go to the hospital.

20-07-13, 10:27
You may have a urinary tract infection, although doubtful if your bloods are normal. As for the other signs, nothing suggests a cancer in the brain, but feel free to have an eye examination to put your mind at rest.

20-07-13, 12:04
I get the smell thing and also assumed the worst. All I can say is, if I have one, it must be the slowest growing brain tumour in history!

Really does sound as if all those are anxiety symptoms, and if you grind your teeth you get a surprising number of physical effects from that.

20-07-13, 17:41
Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor in the next week or two for a check up. I need to, as I fear I'm going to end up descending into out of control anxiety all over again.

I forgot to mention my eyes were checked in November last year, including taking pictures of the back of the eye and everything is fine there.

20-07-13, 17:45
That's great! Those back of the eye photos are great. I genuinely do have a retina condition and it is so reassuring that they can monitor it so easily.

20-07-13, 17:49
I suffer from nearly all of your symptoms including the strange smoke smelling thing, in fact it was this symptoms that convinced me I had a brain tumour last year (of course I didn't, MRI ruled it out). Teeth clenching causes a lot of jaw and neck problems, I have been doing it for years now and have yet to find a cure!. I would go to your GP for reassurance , it is the best way to stop your mind assuming the worst.

20-07-13, 23:01
Hi I also have most of the symptoms you have and I am convinced I have a brain tumour I get the smell in my nose and I have buzzing in my feet and hands these are newish symptoms I am very anxious at the minute I hate the foggy feeling and feeling I can't think straight and I get forgetful all these symptoms are so much worse when I am worried about them I hope they are anxiety but my thoughts keep going back to brain tumour, hope you feel better soon. X.

I meant to add I am a mum to 2 young kids which is stressful and I don't get much chance to relax .

21-07-13, 00:37
Hi I also have most of the symptoms you have and I am convinced I have a brain tumour I get the smell in my nose and I have buzzing in my feet and hands these are newish symptoms I am very anxious at the minute I hate the foggy feeling and feeling I can't think straight and I get forgetful all these symptoms are so much worse when I am worried about them I hope they are anxiety but my thoughts keep going back to brain tumour, hope you feel better soon. X.

I meant to add I am a mum to 2 young kids which is stressful and I don't get much chance to relax .

i'm a dad with 2 kids age 1 and 2 i know what you mean i thank i'm having a stroke now

08-09-14, 09:00
Hi guys x I'm new to this site I'm currently on diloxutine and my doc has started me on sertaline ( I'm constantly stuttering getting words mixed up, I'm waiting for MRI too 😥